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February 2015 Cheryl Woods, Portfolio Suite Manager Apprenticeships Accessing Higher Apprenticeships for High Performing Students.

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2 February 2015 Cheryl Woods, Portfolio Suite Manager Apprenticeships Accessing Higher Apprenticeships for High Performing Students

3 Government Plans… want to make higher apprenticeships available to more businesses asked the SFA to support 20,000 higher apprenticeships by July 2015 announced an additional £40m to fund places up until July 2015 announced an extra £20m to fund the higher educational element to the end of March 2016.

4 Background to Higher Apprenticeships and their importance to UK PLC Enable Opportunities for all Investing in on-the-job skills Build a “world-class skills system” Plugging the skills gap and improve growth and productivity Reduce unemployment Investing £250 million to create 50,000 Apprenticeship places

5 Challenges and Influencers Raising the perception of the vocational educational and training pathway Improved IAG provision Stronger employer engagement links More opportunity for work experience Collaboration across all key stakeholders

6 Apprenticeships are at the heart of employability… (not all learners will access all levels and can step on and step off at different points) 1 2 4 3 E3/L1 Pre – employability programmes L1/L2 Traineeship programmes L2/L3 Apprenticeship programmes L4 + Higher Apprenticeship programmes EMPLOYMENT DEGREE

7 The Apprenticeship Route Comparison

8 Higher Apprenticeships - Some Facts

9 Benefits of Higher Apprenticeships

10 Further benefits for the learner

11 BTEC Higher Apprenticeships Developed with employers to meet industry needs Designed at levels 4 and above Offer a clear path to employment and a practical route to higher education qualifications. BTEC Higher Apprenticeships combine BTEC Higher Nationals, BTEC Professional qualifications or Edexcel Diplomas, on-the- job training and industry endorsement from employers, and professional bodies. Built on the core BTEC values of flexibility, employability, progression and quality, they are a clearly defined part of the wider BTEC portfolio, allowing learners to take advantage of progression opportunities from other BTEC programmes.

12 BBC Higher Apprenticeship/Degree Programme

13 12 Questions

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