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Fall semester review Bellwork. Monday, December 17 Write out the three sentences. Then label them simple, compound, or complex. 1.Arthur hit Luis with.

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Presentation on theme: "Fall semester review Bellwork. Monday, December 17 Write out the three sentences. Then label them simple, compound, or complex. 1.Arthur hit Luis with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fall semester review Bellwork

2 Monday, December 17 Write out the three sentences. Then label them simple, compound, or complex. 1.Arthur hit Luis with the blackjack, but Erik gave the order. 2.Luis Cruz is now dead from an aneurysm. 3.An aneurysm is a blood clot that can burst, causing a massive stroke and death.

3 Tuesday, December 18 An independent clause, or complete sentence, must have a subject and a verb. Add what is missing from these sentences. 1.Told Paul not to come to Luis’s funeral. 2.Teresa and others truth about what really killed Luis. 3.In the school gymnasium.

4 Wednesday, December 19 Quotation marks will always go after the comma that separates the speaker tag and the end mark of a sentence. Write out the sentences and use quotation marks. 1.He said You’re going to pay for what you did. 2.I said What? I didn’t do anything. 3.You’re going to pay for telling on Caster, Erik said. You told who sprayed paint on the wall.

5 Finals Day! Capitalize Mom and Dad when used in place of names. Lowercase mom and dad when used as descriptions. Write out sentences and capitalize correctly. 1. “Do you remember Vincent Castor, dad?” Paul asked. 2. mom said, “I was so terrified that you would be blind.” 3. “Your mom and dad wanted to find a way to keep you from hating your brother,” my grandma said.

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