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1 CHORUS + Coordinated approacH to the EurOpean effoRt on aUdio-visual Search engines ” Grant Agreement No. 249008 CHORUS + 01/01/2010 – 31/12/2012 + Jean-Charles.

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Presentation on theme: "1 CHORUS + Coordinated approacH to the EurOpean effoRt on aUdio-visual Search engines ” Grant Agreement No. 249008 CHORUS + 01/01/2010 – 31/12/2012 + Jean-Charles."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 CHORUS + Coordinated approacH to the EurOpean effoRt on aUdio-visual Search engines ” Grant Agreement No. 249008 CHORUS + 01/01/2010 – 31/12/2012 + Jean-Charles Point JCP-Consult, France Nozha Boujemaa, INRIA France

2 17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No. 249008 CHORUS+ objectives  Support the integration and strengthening of European research by stimulating interaction and co-ordination at EU level in the area of audio-visual search engines:  Technology: core technologies cross fertilisation and content collection sharing  Socio economic  Industry view  Extend cooperation to Asian countries and (if-relevant) USA  Support creation of a multidisciplinary approach  Support dissemination results and strategies developed in ICT program 2

3 17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No. 249008 3 Activities and WPs Structure Coordinate and foster the R&D actions on multimedia search engines:  identify the most promising technologies and develop a high level view on key challenges to address by the search community (WP3)  To share content collections and spread out best practices for evaluation framework (WP3)  to include in the socio-economic and policy issues for the EU through some hot and timely topics in the search engine domain (WP4)  Set-up a Think-Tank activity gathering the main stakeholders (WP5)  Dissemination of findings, Workshops and conferences (WP2):  Regular events (workshops, panels) in connection with major international conferences

4 17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No. 249008 Activities and WP structure  Exchange platform and concertation events (WP2) for IST project and external initiatives 4

5 17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No. 249008 Partnership 5

6 17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No. 249008 Project structure 6 WP2: Exchange platform, events, clustering WP2: Exchange platform, events, clustering WP3: next generation search engine enablers WP4: socio economic and policy analysis WP5 Think Tank WP5 Think Tank projects Search community Industry

7 17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No. 249008 WP2 Activities  Dissemination activities and exchange platform (WP2) for IST project and external initiatives including:  Consolidated website with CHORUS+ activities and output: Information about events, projects, publications, etc.; periodic newsletter; deliverables  Integration of Web 2.0 platforms (Twitter, LinkedIn)  Collaborative Wiki-based exchange platform  Inter-projects concertation, including external (non IST) projects: Set-up of a cluster (extension of AV search cluster)  Co-organization of events, expert meetings  Dissemination of flyers, brochures, reports, etc. 7

8 17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No. 249008 WP2: exchange platform, events and clustering Collaborative Wiki-based exchange platform:  integrated into CHORUS+ website  created in a joint effort with collaborating initiatives  publication of: best practices, data sets, framework recommendations, references, etc. for audio-visual search engines  structure coordinated with output from WP3  public read access, editing for participating researchers and initiatives 8

9 17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No. 249008 WP2: exchange platform, events and clustering  Upcoming events:  New Website online (March 2010)  Workshop on mobile search: June 2010  Practioner’s day In CIVR 2010, July 5-7, 2010, in Xi'an, China  Launch of collaborative platform (July 2010)  ICT Brussels: TT on enterprise search: 27-29 September 2010  Workshop on enterprise search: start 2011 9

10 17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No. 249008 WP3: next generation search engines enablers 3 main enablers:  Mutualisation and sharing of Data (content collection)  Analysis and Dissemination of Evaluation (includes components and system)  Exchange and emergence of Knowledge 10

11 17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No. 249008 WP4: socio-economic and policy analysis Addresses socio-economic / policy aspects 3 items planned to be addressed:  Mobile search (workshop June 2010)  Enterprise search (workshop end 2010/2011)  Personalised data search 11

12 17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No. 249008 Mobile Search workshop Workshop objectives: progress on topics below  Identify how Europe can leverage their industrial assets  Provide decision makers with specific socio-economic / policy analysis Observations:  The use of mobile search is rapidly expanding;  The ‘winning’ business model is yet unclear;  Market players are positioning themselves. Issues  Will the market solution be the best for citizens?  Are European companies prepared for delivering novel services?

13 17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No. 249008 WP5: Think Tank  Brings the industry view to CHORUS+ work; 2 TT per year on focused topics, on invitation  1 st Think tank: June, Mobile search, in Future Network and Mobile Summit  2 nd Think Tank: September, ICT: enterprise search 13

14 17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No. 249008 clustering  AV search cluster, extended with national initiative / project external to Europe  Increase Involvement in FIA (session tomorrow)  Common events between projects  Bilateral exchange between projects  Contribution of projects to technical (WP3) and socio-economic/policy issues (WP4) 14

15 17 November 2015 Grant Agreement No. 249008 Agenda tomorrow  9:00 - 9:15 Welcome and Introduction [Jean-Charles Point (JCP)]  9:15 - 10: 45 New starting projects technical presentation and discussion CHORUS+ [Henri Gouraud(INRIA)] LIVING KNOWLEDGE [Francesco De Natale [UNITN]) GLOCAL [Francesco De Natale [UNITN]) I-Search [Dimitrios Tzovaras (CERTH)] Coast [Theodore Zahariadis [synelixis]) Envision?  10:45 – 11:15 Ongoing project PETAMEDIA (Martha Larson [TUDelft])  11:15-11:30 - Break  11:30 – 12:00 Next FIA preparation: search session [Petros Daras (CERTH)]  12:00 – 12:30 EC consultation for workplan preparation [Loretta Anania (EC)]  12:30 – 13:00 Action items, AOB [Jean-Charles Point (JCP)] 15

16 16 Thanks for your attention Contacts: Scientific coordinator: Nozha Boujemaa, Project coordinator: jean-Charles Point, CHORUS + concertation meeting feb 3 2010

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