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INFO415: Systems Analysis INFORMATION X Exercise Create a system sequence diagram for the following event, based on this class diagram EventTriggerSourceActivityResponseDestination.

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Presentation on theme: "INFO415: Systems Analysis INFORMATION X Exercise Create a system sequence diagram for the following event, based on this class diagram EventTriggerSourceActivityResponseDestination."— Presentation transcript:

1 INFO415: Systems Analysis INFORMATION SYSTEMS @ X Exercise Create a system sequence diagram for the following event, based on this class diagram EventTriggerSourceActivityResponseDestination Registrar creates new course section Section schedule request Registrar Create a new section and assign to a professor timeslot and a room Scheduled section Registrar Timeslot Room Professor Section 1 0.*1 1 Assumptions:  Registrar supplies prof ID, CourseID and max enrolment  System provides list of available rooms in specific time slots. Registrar chooses room / timeslot combo  System creates section (and assigns CRN when prof, room and timeslot info has been found)  System returns Prof name, CRN., room desc. and timeslot to registrar once section has been created Course 1 0.*

2 INFO415: Systems Analysis INFORMATION SYSTEMS @ X System Sequence Diagram Registrar :system rooms, timeslots=identifyroomtime (CourseID, Prof ID, max enrolment) Prof name, CRN, room desc, timeslot =createsection (room,timeslot) Loop for each new section Assumptions:  Registrar supplies prof ID, CourseID and max enrolment  System provides list of available rooms in specific time slots. Registrar chooses room / timeslot combo  System creates section (and assigns CRN when prof, room and timeslot info has been found)  System returns Prof name, CRN., room desc. and timeslot to registrar once section has been created

3 INFO415: Systems Analysis INFORMATION SYSTEMS @ X Sequence Diagram section timeslotroomprofessor Registrar scheduleSection (CourseID, Prof ID, max enrolment) profName:=getProfName (Prof ID) roomDesc:=getRoom (Size) course timeSlot:=getTimeslot (Length) CRN:creatSection (profID, Room ID, Timeslot) confirmSectioncreation (prof name, CRN, room desc., timeslot) Room_Time_slot_selection: =selectRoomTime (time_slot. room)

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