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FORMATION OF SOCIETY Maharashtra Societies Welfare Association A/2,, Laram Center, Andheri (West), Mumbai 400058.

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Presentation on theme: "FORMATION OF SOCIETY Maharashtra Societies Welfare Association A/2,, Laram Center, Andheri (West), Mumbai 400058."— Presentation transcript:

1 FORMATION OF SOCIETY Maharashtra Societies Welfare Association A/2,, Laram Center, Andheri (West), Mumbai 400058

2 MAHARASHTRA SOCIETIES WELFARE ASSOCIATION WEL- COMES YOU With a Request to Switch Off or Keep your Mobile on Silent Mode

3 TYPES OF SOCIETIES Consumer societies Co-operative Bank Credit societies Crop Protection Societies Producer’s Societies Housing Societies General Societies Farming Societies

4 Types of Housing Societies Flat Owners Societies Open Plot Societies Tenant Societies Housing Board Society Premises society

5 Objective of a Housing Society To Obtain Conveyance as per provisions of MOFA 1963 To manage, maintain and administer the property of the society. To raise funds for achieving the objects To undertake social, cultural or recreative activities. To do such other things to attain the objects of the society.

6 Registration of Society.... Sec 4. Societies may be registered Sec 5. liability to be Limited / Unlimited Sec 6. Conditions of Registration Sec 8.Application of Registration. Sec 9. Registration. Sec 11. Power of Registrar to decide certain questions.

7 FORMATION OF A SOCIETY With the Co-operation of the Builder And Without the Co-operation of the Builder

8 Procedure for Registration of a Housing Society Appointment of Chief Promoter. Name reservation of the society. Opening of Bank Account – Deposit of Share Money and entrance fees. Payment of Registration fees of Rs. 2500. Putting up the proposal for Registration

9 Documents required for Registration Proposal Application for Registration – Form “A” Four copies of the model by-laws of the society Signatures of minimum 60% of the total promoters along with their agreement registration receipt Copy of full agreement of the chief promoter List of promoter members such as name, age, occupation, address Balance certificate from bank for deposit of share money and entrance fees of promoter members.

10 Further…………… Scheme of working of the Society Registration fees challan Affidavit, Indemnity Bond, Form “B”, “C”, Form “D” Form “X”, “Y” & “Z” Copy of Name reservation letter Copies of approved plans copies Municipality tax receipts

11 Procedure in case of non-cooperation After the application is put, the Registrar will call for a hearing. In course of hearing both the parties will place their side of plea before the Registrar. Registrar is a Quasi-Judicial body i.e. He has all the authority of a court. He can take statements, Oath and ask to produce such documents as he may demand. Finally, the Registrar gives his verdict.


13 For any further clarifications…. CONTACT: Maharashtra Societies Welfare Association Tel Nos : 26248565 / 26248589 A/2, Room No 302, Laram Center, Opp. Platform No 6 & 7, Above Hotel Golden Gate Andheri (West), Mumbai 400058

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