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200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Academic Policy Campus People Advising Departments.

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1 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 Academic Policy Campus People Advising Departments Grade Point Averages

2 A UWG student who wishes to take course work at another institution for one semester and then return to UWG.

3 What is a transient student? 100 Points

4 This is an agreement between students and UWG to promote commitment to academic and personal integrity. It is based upon honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility.

5 What is the honor code? 200 Points

6 The Satisfactory Academic Progress standards require that a student complete at least this percentage of all hours attempted.

7 What is 67%? 300 Points

8 A student who feels that the grade he/she received in the class is arbitrary or unfair is entitled to a hearing before an impartial committee of the faculty.

9 What is a grade appeal? 400 Points

10 A student may request this withdrawal after the official withdrawal deadline until the day before the scheduled Reading Day of the term, if he/she has experienced an unusual or emergency circumstance beyond the student’s control.

11 What is a “hardship withdrawal?” 500 Points


13 Who is Dr. Beheruz N. Sethna, President? 100 Points


15 200 Points Who is Dr. Jack Jenkins, Special Associate to the President For Minority Affairs?


17 Who is Dr. Thomas J. Hynes Vice President for Academic Affairs ? 300 Points


19 Who is Dr. Melanie McClellan Vice President for Student Services & Dean of Students? 400 Points


21 The EXCEL Center Staff 500 Points

22 What is a minor?

23 A set of courses from a specific area of study to complement a student’s major 100 Points

24 What is a co-requisite?

25 A class you have to take with another class. 200 Points

26 Where do you go for advising if you are an undeclared major?

27 The EXCEL Center 300 Points

28 When is advanced registration for Fall 2008 courses?

29 April 7th-25th 400 Points

30 What is the best way to increase your GPA?

31 Retake the classes you have earned a “D” or “F” 500 Points

32 “The other round building” houses this department providing treatment for general health problems.

33 What is Health Services? 100 Points

34 Parker Hall holds this department for students to be tested for learning disabilities, depression and eating disorders.

35 What is the Student Development Center? 200 Points

36 Located in Parker Hall, students may receive proof of enrollment, register for classes and apply for graduation.

37 What is the registrar’s office? 300 Points

38 This department is located in Strozier Hall and registers students for the Regent’s Exams.

39 What is the Learning Support and Testing Office? 400 Points

40 This department offers free tutoring in all core classes, academic advisement and success seminars.

41 What is the EXCEL Center? 500 Points

42 Students are required to maintain this minimum GPA to keep their HOPE Scholarship.

43 What is a 3.0 grade point average? 100 Points

44 Students are required to have this minimum grade point average to graduate from UWG.

45 What is a 2.0 grade point average? 200 Points

46 To be placed on the Dean’s List, students must earn this minimum grade point average.

47 What is a 3.5 grade point average? 300 Points

48 Freshmen are required to maintain this minimum grade point average to prevent being placed on academic probation.

49 What is a 1.6 grade point average? 400 Points

50 These points are earned according to particular grades and are calculated with the number of hours earned to compute a grade point average.

51 What are quality points? 500 Points

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