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Implementation of RDA at the National Library RDA Cataloguing Seminars September 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementation of RDA at the National Library RDA Cataloguing Seminars September 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementation of RDA at the National Library RDA Cataloguing Seminars September 2012

2 RDA core elements NLNZ review of core elements Policies available on DescribeNZ wiki

3 NLNZ training The National Library’s broad plan for RDA training for its cataloguers has 4 stages: 1.FRBR 2.Introducing RDA 3.RDA toolkit 4.Practical engagement with RDA

4 Stage 1: FRBR Readings Quizzes FrrrBrrr : a Scottish play Pride & prejudice meets FRBR

5 Stage 2: Introducing RDA General overview material –Key points about RDA –Similarities/differences between AACR2 & RDA –MARC changes & new fields

6 Stage 3: RDA toolkit Training video Exercises

7 Stage 4: Practical engagement Practical engagement with RDA –Description –Relationships Practice records on closed database Material available on the DescribeNZ wiki

8 Implementation NLNZ will implement RDA No earlier than end of March 2013 Date to be announced… …soon… …watch this space

9 RDA in the NUC The NUC needs to be able to handle both AACR2 and RDA records Some RDA records already exist on the NUC

10 NUC policies - 1 RDA will be the preferred cataloguing record standard AACR2 records will be acceptable where there is no existing RDA record Cannot have AACR2 and RDA record for same resource

11 NUC policies - 2 Can upgrade AACR2 record to RDA Cannot downgrade full level RDA record to AACR2 on the NUC NUC minimum record standard

12 Data matching/merging Osmosis Batch loading

13 What is OCLC doing? Policy: Only one master record for a resource Proposal: May update individual fields in pre- RDA records to reflect RDA practices if it is considered useful Proposal: May re-catalogue a resource according to RDA if it is considered useful Proposal: Use access points as established in the authority file, whether those forms are coded as RDA or AACR2

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