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Navigating System Performance Review and Improvement (SPR&I) Oregon Department of Education Fall 2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Navigating System Performance Review and Improvement (SPR&I) Oregon Department of Education Fall 2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Navigating System Performance Review and Improvement (SPR&I) Oregon Department of Education Fall 2015 1

2 By the end of this session, participants will be able to: Access the SPR&I system; Navigate the SPR&I system; Enter data into the SPR&I system; Access SPR&I system reports; and, Read SPR&I system reports. 2 Session Objectives

3 3 SPR&I Dashboard

4 Directory information available for agency contact information Findings and Determinations posted on dashboard Due dates for each required activity posted on dashboard ODE updates are posted periodically on the dashboard, check for these frequently 4 General System Features

5 EI/ECSE and School-age lock in screens have additional questions that help identify applicable standards and include them in for the individual student file review. 5 General System Features

6 Student File Selection

7 7 Number of Student Files for Review

8 Student File Confirmation

9 Student File Selection (continued)

10 Student File Confirmation

11 ALL the following responses must be “yes” in order to review the file:  Student is currently enrolled in your district;  Student is currently eligible for special education;  Student was enrolled in the district on Dec. 1, 2014 with the exception for YCEP, JDEP & LTCT programs Student File Confirmation (continued)


13 Lock In

14 Lock In (continued)

15 PCR Review Form

16 Data Entry

17 Data Entry (continued)



20 Final Review

21 Submit for ODE Verification

22 ODE Verification

23  ALL noncompliance must be reported.  ALL noncompliance will require individual file correction, followed by additional file reviews to determine if the noncompliance is a systemic issue.  Correction must occur as soon as possible, but no later than one year from written notification from ODE of a finding.  ODE tracks and reports all noncompliance through 100% correction in the Annual Performance Review (APR) submitted to the US Dept. of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP).  Completing the SPR&I process allows districts a chance not only to identify noncompliance, but more importantly it identifies staff development needs and provides a link between compliance in student files with progress in the indicators. Correction of Noncompliance

24 Correcting Individual Student Files

25 Additional File Reviews

26 Additional File Reviews: Student File Selection


28 Additional File Review: Data Entry


30 Systemic Issues


32 Systemic Issues: File Review



35 SPR&I Reports

36 Data Reports: 4 Year & 5 Year Cohort Graduation Rates 4 Year Change in Graduation Rate Dropout Rate SPR&I Process, if flagged: Improvement Plan Required 36 Indicator B1/B2: Graduation & Dropout Rates

37 Data Reports: Students w/Disabilities – Participation Math and ELA Students w/Disabilities – Performance Math and ELA SPR&I Process, if flagged: Worksheet Required Improvement Plan determined by ODE 37 Indicator B3: Assessment

38  B4(a): Significant Discrepancy (IDEA students vs. Non-IDEA students)  B4(b): Significant Discrepancy by Race/Ethnicity (IDEA students vs. all students in LEA) SPR&I Process, if flagged: Policy-to-Practice Review Required Corrective Action Plan, if non-compliance is identified 38 Indicator B4: Discipline

39  Significant Discrepancy: IDEA students vs. Non-IDEA students  Significant Discrepancy: IDEA students by Race/Ethnicity vs. all students in LEA  Detailed Data by Disability and Grade Level (reported by both the # of IDEA students and by Disciplinary Action types)  Discipline Incident Details from SET Data Collection (Student Specific Information) 39 B4: Discipline Data Reports

40 Data Reports: 3 year placement distribution Placement Distribution by: Disability type, Grade level and Race/Ethnicity Weighted Risk Ratios by Race/Ethnicity SPR&I Process if flagged: Worksheet required Improvement Plan determined by ODE 40 Indicator B5: Placement in the LRE

41 Data Reports: IDEA by Race/Ethnicity (#, %, WWR) IDEA by Disability Type (#, %, WWR) Disability Type by Grade Level & Race/Ethnicity Eligibility Determination by Race/Ethnicity SPR&I Process, if flagged: Worksheet required Policy-to-Practice Review determined by ODE Corrective Action Plan, if noncompliance is identified 41 Indicator B9/B10: Disproportionate Representation

42 Data Reports: Initial Referrals (# and %) Initial Referrals by Race/Ethnicity Students Found Eligible by Disability Type w/timeline data (# and %) Reasons for Exceeding 60 School-Day Timeline SPR&I Process if flagged: Corrective Action Plan required 42 Indicator B11: Child Find

43 Data Driven B4 Discipline B5 Placement B9 Disproportionate Representation in Special Education B10 Disproportionate Representation in Specific Eligibility Categories SPR&I Process if flagged: Policy-to-Practice required Corrective Active Plan required 43 Significant Disproportionality

44 May all your lights be green!

45 SPR&I Contacts EI/ECSE: Alan Garland at School Age: Laura Petschauer at Questions?

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