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Ideas and Beliefs Negative view of mankind Social Contract – people give up some of their rights to have a government Wants powerful government – Absolutism.

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Presentation on theme: "Ideas and Beliefs Negative view of mankind Social Contract – people give up some of their rights to have a government Wants powerful government – Absolutism."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ideas and Beliefs Negative view of mankind Social Contract – people give up some of their rights to have a government Wants powerful government – Absolutism Term/Phrase Equality Hobbes

2 Ideas and Beliefs Mankind is born free People have the right to life, liberty, and property Purpose of government is to protect those rights – People can overthrow govt if they do not protect rights Term/Phrase Freedom Locke

3 Ideas and Beliefs Govt should be divided into branches – Executive (president) – Legislative (congress/people) – Judicial (courts) Purpose: keep one group from getting too much power Term/Phrase Separation of Powers Montesquieu

4 Ideas and Beliefs Not trusting of the govt Freedom of Speech Freedom of Religion Term/Phrase Tolerance Voltaire

5 Ideas and Beliefs Man was good and was corrupted by society/govt Does not trust the govt Power in the hands of the people – Majority Rule Term/Phrase Anti-Social Contract Rousseau

6 Ideas and Beliefs Laissez-faire/Market Economy Freedom in economics Govt stays out of the economy Term/Phrase Capitalism Smith

7 Ideas and Beliefs Criminals have the right to a fair and speedy trial No more torture No capital punishment (death penalty) Term/Phrase Crime and Punishment Beccaria

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