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Chapter Eleven Stress Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. Abraham Lincoln.

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1 Chapter Eleven Stress Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. Abraham Lincoln

2 Chapter 11 Value zGood stress management will allow you to do better on those important tests or presentations in school, and it will allow you to perform better in pressure packed sporting events. zGood stress management will also allow you to improve the quality of personal relationships, with a special person, your brothers and sisters, and your parents. Since stress is a contributor to such major health problems as cardiovascular diseases, good stress management will provide you an added defense against such health problems.

3 Vocabulary nonspecific response of the body to any demand made upon it (eustress) good stress (distress) bad stress events, situations, or activities that cause stress stress — positive stress — negative stress — stressor —

4 Vocabulary those activities, both active and passive, that reduce or divert stress responses that are harmful to you, others or that mask the stress you have (ex. Sleeping, getting drunk) stress diversion activities — negative coping techniques —

5 How Does Stress Affect You? zPositive / Eustress – list 3 zNegative / Distress – list 3

6 Developing a Stress Management Program zDon’t worry about little things. zGet fit zEat well zDevelop positive coping strategies. zGoal setting zTime management

7 Study Questions When selecting activities for your personal fitness program choose those A. selected by friends so you have someone with whom to exercise. B. that best meets your needs. C. that you like the most. D. that include all of the above.

8 Study Questions Which item would provide the greatest benefit for stress diversion? A. backpacking/hiking B. racquetball C. softball D. tennis

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