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COS 125 DAY 11. Agenda  Assignment 4 corrected 8 A’s & 2 B’s  Assignment 5 Due  Assignment 6 will be posted after break  Quiz 1 corrected 1 A, 5 B’s,

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Presentation on theme: "COS 125 DAY 11. Agenda  Assignment 4 corrected 8 A’s & 2 B’s  Assignment 5 Due  Assignment 6 will be posted after break  Quiz 1 corrected 1 A, 5 B’s,"— Presentation transcript:

1 COS 125 DAY 11

2 Agenda  Assignment 4 corrected 8 A’s & 2 B’s  Assignment 5 Due  Assignment 6 will be posted after break  Quiz 1 corrected 1 A, 5 B’s, 4 C’s  Left to do 5 Assignments (10 total) 2 Quizzes Capstone projects  Discussion about course time line Ahead of schedule  Finish course on April 28?  Lecture/Discuss Layout with Styles

3 Layout with Styles  Allows for more possibilities than xHTML layout  Can create Liquid layouts that expand or contract with browser window  Separate layout from Content allowing you to change layout without re-coding WebPage  Examples of everything in this lecture available at

4 Structuring Your Pages  Divide your page in logical sections using the element  Name each division using the id attribute id=“daName”  Put the sections in order in your XHTML page  Use headers (h1, h2, h3 etc ) in a consistent fashion

5 The Box Model  For CSS, every element is in an invisible Box that has the following Content (middle) Padding (between Content & Border) Border (around element) Margin (Between element border and next element)  Boxes are either block level (new paragraph) or inline (on same line)  xHTML flow from top to bottom with line breaks around block level elements

6 Box Model (inline) Margin Border Padding Content Margin Border Padding Content

7 Box Model (block) Margin Border Padding Content Margin Border Padding Content

8 Changing backgrounds  Every element including the page itself can have its own background  To set background color selector{background-color:”blue” or “#336677” or rgb(200,100,34) or transparent}  To use a background image selector{background-image:url(image.gif)} If you use both color and image the color will be used until the image is loaded and will be seen through any transparent parts of the image  To repeat background image background-repeat:repeat or repeat-x or repeat-y or no-repeat  To fix background relative to element background-attachment:fixed or scroll  To specify position of background background-position: x y  To do all at once background:url(image.gif) repeat-x fixed bottom left;  Default setting background:transparent none repeat scroll top left

9 Changing the foreground color  selector{color:colorname or #rrggbb or rgb(r,g,b) or rgb(r%, g%, b%)  Foreground doesn’t work on image (img) element

10 Setting the height and width of elements  You can set the height and width as a absolute values or relative to parent element  Selector{width:w;height:h}  Setting width or height to auto allows the browser to calculate  Exampes #banner{width:100%; height:auto} img{width:200px, height:auto} a:link{width:100px height:50px}

11 Setting margins  Margins are outside of the border  Selector{margin:x} X = size in px (10px) or relative (2em) or percentage (10%)  Can also set margin by side margin-top:x margin-left:x  If two elements with margins touch, the space between their borders is the larger of the two margins and not the sum of the two margins

12 Adding padding  From inside out of an element Content, padding, border, margin  Selector{padding:x} X = size in px (10px) or relative (2em) or percentage (10%)  Can also set padding by side padding-top:x padding-left:x Margin Border Padding Content

13 Setting the Border  Every element can have a border  Border-style: type Type can be dotted, dashed, solid, double, groove, ridge, inset, or outset  Border-width: Npx If you give 4 values one value you can modify each side Border-width: 2px 3px 4px 5px Top = 2, right= 3, bottom = 4, left = 5  Border-color: colorname or #rrggbb or rgb(r,g,b) or rgb(r%,g%,b%)  Can also just effect one side using border-top-style:  Shorthand border-side-property: value(s)  Border-top-color:blue;  Border-right-style:groove;

14 Controlling the flow (position)  4 ways to position an element box Static – with the flow Absolute – in a fixed position relative to parent element Fixed – in a fixed position relative to browser Relative – with respect to default position in the flow  If boxes overlap you can control which goes over which using z-index

15 Offsetting Elements in the Natural flow  Every element as a “natural” location based on page flow  You can moved the an element relative to its natural position  Does not effect any other element in page Selector{Postion:relative; top:v; left:v; bottom:v; left:v} V is desired distance you want offset from natural location in absolute (12px) or relative values (1em, 1.5em) Can cause overlaps

16 Positioning Elements Absolutely  Elements in a xHTML web page flow in the order they appear in the xHTML  You can take them out of the flow and position them wherever you want with respect to their parent Selector{postion:absolute; top:v or bottom:v; left:v or right:v}  Generally you use  top or bottom  left or right V is desired distance you want offset from parent in absolute (12px) or relative values (1em, 1.5em) or as a percentage of parent (10%) Can cause overlaps Percentages create “liquid” layouts

17 Fixing an Element in the Browser Windows  Cause an element to fixed..doesn’t move when the page is scrolled  Works in IE7, FireFox and Opera Selector{Postion:fixed; top:v; left:v; bottom:v; left:v} V is desired distance you want offset from browser in specific (12px) or relative to parent values (1em, 1.5em) or as a percentage of browser (10%) Can (and most likely will) cause overlaps

18 Making elements float  You can make elements “float” in a “sea” of text  This property has buggy results  Selector{float:left or right) Elements “float” in the direction selected  If more than one element is floated in the same direction they will stack in the order they appear in xHTML Float left Float right

19 Controlling whether or not elements can floats next to another  If you don’t want anything float to the left right or both of a particular element Selector{clear:left or right or both}  Example #banner{clear:both} #blockhouse{clear:left}

20 Positioning elements in 3D  You can effect in which “layer” each element appears  Very important when you have overlap  selector{z-index:n} The highest n goes on top The lowest n goes to the bottom Think of n as the elevation of the element  Children will assume the z-index of parent first then will be in “Z” order versus their siblings

21 Changing the cursor  You can set how the cursor looks in each element Browser and O/S dependant  Selector{cursor:value} Value can be  Pointer  default  crosshair  move  wait  help  text  x-resize  X can be n, s e or w or combinations

22 Determining Overflow  What happens when the content of an element is larger than the “box” you have created for it??  Condition can be controlled via overflow property  Selector{overflow:value} Value can  Hidden (what ever doen’t fit becomes invisible)  Visible (makes the box fit the contents)  Scroll (forces scroll bars)  Auto (scroll bars only when necessary)  Problems with IE 6 works in IE7

23 Aligning Elements Vertically  Selector{vertical-align:value}  Value can be baseline -- bottom of element lines up with bottom of parent middle -– middle of element lines up with middle of parent sub – lines up below parent super –lines up above parent text-top – top of element aligns to top of parent text-bottom – align the bottom of element to bottom of parent top –aligns top of element to top of tallest element in the same line bottom- aligns bottom of element to bottom of lowest element in the same line

24 Displaying and Hiding Elements  You can control how the browser display an element using the property display: h1{display:”value”}  Values can be none hides the element block displays element as block level inline displays the element as inline list-item displays the element as though you has used tag (covered later)

25 Cool CSS effects  Rollover buttons examples/css-effects/rolloverbuttons.html examples/css-effects/rolloverbuttons.html  image “pop-ups” examples/css-effects/popups.html examples/css-effects/popups.html  Drop down menus examples/css-effects/dropdownmenus-noformat.html examples/css-effects/dropdownmenus-noformat.html examples/css-effects/dropdownmenus.html examples/css-effects/dropdownmenus.html  Replacing headers with Images (not for IE) examples/css-effects/imagereplacement.html examples/css-effects/imagereplacement.html  More effects

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