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Anthony Nolan Patient and Family Education Day Physical Activity Workshop Get Moving – A Guide to Exercise & Activity Nicola Gingell Physiotherapist.

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Presentation on theme: "Anthony Nolan Patient and Family Education Day Physical Activity Workshop Get Moving – A Guide to Exercise & Activity Nicola Gingell Physiotherapist."— Presentation transcript:

1 Anthony Nolan Patient and Family Education Day Physical Activity Workshop Get Moving – A Guide to Exercise & Activity Nicola Gingell Physiotherapist

2 Outline Cycle of inactivity Benefits of exercise How much? How hard? Types of exercise Barriers to exercise

3 Cycle of inactivity

4 Benefits of exercise Lowers blood pressure Reduces risk of coronary heart disease Reduces risk of stroke Improves bone density Improves balance Improves self esteem Management of weight Prevent/control diabetes Prevention of cancer and reduced risk of recurrence Help reduce/manage fatigue

5 How much? The Government recommends all adults perform… 30 minutes a day at moderate intensity, 5 times a week Start for short periods and increase as you improve Break into smaller chunks, 10 minutes 3 times a day Heart & breathing rate should increase Try and incorporate into everyday life

6 How hard? 2 ways to determine the right intensity – Will vary every day depending on how well you feel – Use tools to progress exercise Sentence Test Should be able to speak in a full sentence – Gasping after every word = too hard – Talking non-stop = too easy

7 How hard? Score out of 10 Examples 0 = lying down 10 = running a marathon/running for bus 0 10 No effortMaximal effort 4-5 out of 10 Moderate effort

8 Types of exercise Exercise Walking Swimming Cycling Bowling Dancing Gym/community Classes Tennis Activities Getting off the bus a stop early House work Gardening Using stairs not lift Walking the dog

9 Progressing exercise FITT principle – 4 ways to progress activity F requency – Number of times per week I ntensity – Walk faster, cycle harder, dig more area in garden T ime – Increase amount of time each session T ype – Vary muscle groups (arms and legs)

10 Make it fun! Pick a form of exercise you like Involve other people e.g. walking groups Start small and build up amount and intensity Monitor fatigue levels Spread the word!!!!

11 Contacts 020 7339 8500 – Walking for Health (England) 0300 060 2287 – national sports councils Also visit your council website for activities in your area

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