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Welcome to Class 4! Class 4, Year 1 Mrs Simpson and Mrs Winter.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Class 4! Class 4, Year 1 Mrs Simpson and Mrs Winter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Class 4! Class 4, Year 1 Mrs Simpson and Mrs Winter

2 Overview of the year


4 A day in Class 4 A school day in Class 4 begins with Reading Buddies. This is where the children develop their skills by reading to each other or to myself or Mrs Winter. Following this is our Maths lesson. This involves the children learning key skills and applying these through reasoning activities. After playtime we have Literacy. This session begins with a grammar starter. In the afternoon the lessons will include: handwriting, in which the children are now being taught lead-ins and a phonics lesson where we are working at Phase 5. Other subjects covered over the course of the week include Science, R.E, P.E, Music, PSHCE, Computing, Art, DT, History and Geography.

5 Class Dojo The children are rewarded with dojo points throughout the day. Green Dojos are given to reward the children for things such as working hard in class, helping others and teamwork. Occasionally, Red Dojos may be given. A red dojo will only be given if the child has been given warnings. However, if a child intentionally hurts another child they will be given a red dojo immediately.

6 Rainbow Readers and Rainbow Maths Rainbow Readers –the children get a stamp each time they have read a book at home. Once they have got 10 stamps they receive a prize from the Rainbow Readers cabinet! Rainbow Maths – this is a home learning scheme where families work together on practical activities. Rainbow Maths is linked to weekly learning or specific target work. Rainbow Maths will be given out on a Friday and needs to be handed in the following Wednesday. Bronze, Silver and Gold certificates will be given out, based on effort and progress.

7 Assessment KLIPS = Key Learning Indicators of Performance KLIPS replaces the way we assess the children. Levels have now gone. Children will be assessed on key learning within their year group expectations. At the end of the year a judgement will be made as to whether your child is entering, developing or secure within their year group. Children will be expected to demonstrate and apply the skill or knowledge independently across the curriculum.







14 Phonics Screening In June all Year 1 children are given a phonics screening test. This involves the children using their phonics knowledge to read both real and made up words. The children’s scores are externally moderated and the results are either a pass or fail.

15 What can you do to help? Please read everyday at home with your child. Share bedtime stories and encourage your child to make predictions about the story and retell it. Help them to complete their homework. Talk about their day at school. Count anything and everything around the house and whilst out and about. Children have passwords for games the following games to play at home: Mathletics Purple Mash Active learn

16 Thank you for listening and your continued support!

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