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® Sponsored by Towards a Conceptual Design of a Cross-Domain Integrative Information System for the Geosciences ILYA ZASLAVSKY, DAVID VALENTINE, AMARNATH.

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Presentation on theme: "® Sponsored by Towards a Conceptual Design of a Cross-Domain Integrative Information System for the Geosciences ILYA ZASLAVSKY, DAVID VALENTINE, AMARNATH."— Presentation transcript:

1 ® Sponsored by Towards a Conceptual Design of a Cross-Domain Integrative Information System for the Geosciences ILYA ZASLAVSKY, DAVID VALENTINE, AMARNATH GUPTA San Diego Supercomputer Center/UCSD STEPHEN RICHARD Arizona Geological Survey TANU MALIK University of Chicago

2 OGC ® The Vision EarthCube: complex socio-technical system of systems: Link previously disconnected domain subsystems, people and organizations  knowledge sharing   data-intensive, integrative cross-domain research

3 OGC ® EarthCube System of Systems cross-domain integration environment –alignment of stakeholder interests –scholarly communication Bring Research and Community components together

4 OGC ® Queries Who else in the community is interested in information resources I am using, and what is their background and interests? How do I find resources that have documentation of their prior use in the context I am interested in? Which data resources that I have generated have been cited, and in which journals and disciplines? What is the “reputation” of a specific data source/data provider? What issues have been reported with respect to usage of a given information resource or a model? How do I find researchers for my project team who have worked on a specific data or model? Have the results reported in a given paper been reproduced? Are the information resources that I found appropriate for my use case? What is known about their readiness and fitness-for-use in a similar context?

5 OGC ® Challenges Promote community engagement What is the Scope of the system How to: –Harmonize technical and social subsystems as technical developments reshape social networks and attitudes –Build Rewards system to promote EarthCube success –Create a self-organizing system based on trust –Reconcile domain differences: research design focus, tools and conventions, phases of self-organization –Conceptualize “fitness for re-use” and “interoperability- readiness”?

6 OGC ® Approach Adapt research enterprise to 21 st century technology –Larger community, new communication channels, more information –Issues are mostly reshaping social networks and attitudes Paradigm: Emergent, Self-organizing system Requires more direct interaction between agents in the system

7 OGC ® Data, Domain stacks, Integration Copyright © 2014 Open Geospatial Consortium

8 OGC ® Geoscience Small-scale Enterprise Publication Research Process Proposal Writing Partners Ideas Share Ideas Analyze Data Manage Data Simulate, Experiment, Observe

9 OGC ® Feedback loop Resources Activities Usage Log RecommendationsImpact Analysis Publication Discussion Data use Data revision Annotation… People, Models Data…

10 OGC ® Approach Understand community expectations Analyze and what has lead to success –Architecture designs of other systems –Enhance existing patterns of information exchange Incorporate social technology in research enterprise –Klout, PeerIndex,, Mendeley, Google Scholar, LinkedIn, ResearchGate… 40+ research profiling systems Integrate with recognized cyberinfrastructure components: –catalogs, data services, repositories, standards, workflows


12 OGC ® Some survey snapshots informing conceptual design

13 OGC ® Some survey snapshots informing conceptual design

14 ® Sponsored by Connecting people, projects, resources, publications, curricula…

15 OGC ® USGS Academic Data Centers National Research Facility IBM Microsoft Elsevier ESRI Geoscientists Social organization experts Mendeley OGC Different perspectives on information system development A summit planned for the end of Year 1 Advisory Team of Large Information System Architects

16 OGC ® Key OGC questions The role of OGC standards in EarthCube; How OGC governance of standards lifecycle can be integrated with EarthCube governance How OGC architecture designs developed through IEs, pilots and service testbeds can inform EarthCube; How can OGC and EarthCube cross-pollinate community building Joint Use cases in OGC and EarthCube ideas for integration? How OGC domain working groups and EarthCube disciplinary domains work together.

17 OGC ® Acknowledgements EAR-1238420: EAGER: Readiness of Disciplinary Data Systems for Cross-Domain Interoperability within a Standards-Based EarthCube Reference Framework, 2012-2013 ICER-1343813: EarthCube Conceptual Design: Enterprise Architecture for Transformative Research and Collaboration Across the Geosciences, 2013-2015 CONTACT: Ilya Zaslavsky, Steve Richard

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