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Video Codec Info RTCWeb – IETF84. Goal The goal of this presentation is to list information that people wish they could have which would help them decide.

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Presentation on theme: "Video Codec Info RTCWeb – IETF84. Goal The goal of this presentation is to list information that people wish they could have which would help them decide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Video Codec Info RTCWeb – IETF84

2 Goal The goal of this presentation is to list information that people wish they could have which would help them decide between VP8 and H.264/AVC Construct a list of things we wish we knew See if we can find people willing to track down that information and send a summary to the list (or as an internet draft) before Oct 15 Want to agree on way forward

3 Image Quality How does the image quality compare at common bitrates for interactive video – Lack of clarity about comparison to High Profile vs. Baseline

4 Software Codecs What resolutions / frame rate can be done on in software on some common systems

5 Power Consumption of Hardware VS Software Implementation How much power is used? What resolution/frame rates? Overall impact on battery life of mobile devices

6 Hardware Support List of devices supporting both

7 IPR Status What is actually known about IPR disclosures? At what point will more information be available? What other information could we get?

8 Going Forward Consensus we need at least one MTI video codec Information to list or in ID by Oct 15 Proponents sends pro/con by Oct 15 Try and take consensus call at IETF 85 If that fails, alternative process Plan to try and get consensus on which alternative process before IETF 85

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