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REMAINING CLASSES Lec 11WedSept 29 EVENING SESSION! (7-9pm) Lec 12MonOct 4also EVENING SESSION! (7-9pm) Lec 13WedOct 6 (2 talks) EVENING SESSION (7-9PM)

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Presentation on theme: "REMAINING CLASSES Lec 11WedSept 29 EVENING SESSION! (7-9pm) Lec 12MonOct 4also EVENING SESSION! (7-9pm) Lec 13WedOct 6 (2 talks) EVENING SESSION (7-9PM)"— Presentation transcript:

1 REMAINING CLASSES Lec 11WedSept 29 EVENING SESSION! (7-9pm) Lec 12MonOct 4also EVENING SESSION! (7-9pm) Lec 13WedOct 6 (2 talks) EVENING SESSION (7-9PM) ThuOct 7second EVENING SESSION (7-9PM) Lec 14MonOct 11 (2 talks) FINAL EXAM Lec 15WedOct 13FINAL EXAM—in class or take home?

2 I. Finish Sugiyama et al. discussion II. Phosphorylation and BR Signaling—BSK1 III. Quantitation in Mass Spec IV. Quantitative analysis of sucrose-induced phosphorylation: AHA1/2 I. Finish Sugiyama et al. discussion II. Phosphorylation and BR Signaling—BSK1 III. Quantitation in Mass Spec IV. Quantitative analysis of sucrose-induced phosphorylation: AHA1/2 Lecture 11—Sept 29, 2010

3 Tyrosine Phosphorylation Motifs PatternMatchesComment xxxxxxYRxxxxx 14 (14.6%)Novel xxExxxYxxxxxx 12 (12.5%)Novel xxxxDxYxxxxxx 11 (11.5%)SHP1 phosphatase: [DE]xY xxxxxxYxx[ST]xx[FY] 11 (11.5%)Novel xxxxxxYx[AG]xxxx 16 (16.7%)Novel

4 MAJOR CONCLUSIONS 1.pS, pT and pY proportions similar to humans: ~ 85, 10 and 5% (respectively). Compare with frequency of residue in proteins: ~ 8, 6 and 3%. pY more prevalent than previously thought (no Tyr kinases in plants!) AND, protein phosphorylation as important in plants as in animals. 2. Tyr phosphoproteome shows some distinct features from pSer/pThr. 3. Larger % of nuclear proteins are phosphorylated compared to other subcellular compartments. 4. Majority (75%) of phosphorylation sites occur outside of conserved domains. [Except for pY, with ~50% within conserved domains.] 5. Twenty ‘pY motifs’ identified. Foundation for Future Studies

5 BSK = BR-signaling kinase Two stage model for BR signaling (2006)

6 det2-1 plants (7 d on agar) Isolate PM fraction Treat 2 h ± BL 2-DE with amazing resolution!

7 Confirmation of BR-induced Phosphorylation of BSK1

8 working γ 1.Used quantitative 2-DE to identify signal transduction component. 2.Prefractionation was essential. 3.BSKs are soluble proteins but found associated with the PM. Myristoylation likely involved. 4.Protein:protein interactions are involved in signaling: BSK:BRI1 and 14-3-3:BZR1 The New Model for BR Signaling

9 Over Expression of BSKs Can Partially Rescue the bri1-5 weak allele


11 Protein Correlation Profiling for Label-Free Quantitation

12 Proteome Coverage for Quantitation Only a subset of the proteome is identified, and of that, only the higher abundance proteins can be quantitated!

13 Arabidopsis Seedlings: LL + Sucrose, 7 days DD - Sucrose, 1 day Resupply 30 mM Suc in the dark: 0 to 30 min Plasma Membranes isolated Phosphpeptides enriched (IMAC) LC/MS/MS and MS3 (label free quantitation)

14 Sucrose Supply Increases Phosphorylation of Thr-947 Activating Proton Pumping

15 New Phosphorylation Site Identified in the C-terminus of AHA1 and AHA2: Thr-881 Expression of AHA2 in a yeast pma1 - mutant strain rescues growth on glucose. The T881D mutation strongly enhances growth suggesting that Phospho Thr-881 directly activates the pump.

16 850 860 870 880 890 900 IRYILSGKAW ASLFDNRTAF TTKKDYGIGE REAQWAQAQR T LHGLQPKED VNIFPEKG S Y 910 920 930 940 RELSEIAEQA KRRAEIARLR ELHTLKGHVE SVAKLKGLDI DTAGHHY T V Novel Regulation of the H + -ATPase by C-terminal Phosphorylation Phospho Thr-881 activates in the absence of a 14-3-3 protein Phospho Thr-948 activates but only in the presence of a 14-3-3 protein

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