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CSC 110 – Intro to Computing Lecture 9: Computing Components.

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1 CSC 110 – Intro to Computing Lecture 9: Computing Components

2 Announcements First set of experience pages due Feb. 23 Quiz solutions will be posted on course web page tomorrow

3 Central Processing Unit “Brains” of a computer  Performs all of the calculations in the ALU  Control unit directs system to run the various program(s)

4 Computer Memory Computers contain two types of memory  ROM (Read-Only Memory) Once data written to ROM, it cannot be changed Contains small number of instructions that initialize computer and load operating system  RAM (Random-Access Memory) What people mean when discussing computers “memory” Contents disappear when computer turned off

5 Stored Program Each byte in RAM has a unique address  Each address is just a number from 0 to ??? Locations in RAM contain a binary number  Number could be part of a program, picture, mp3, Word document…  Each program directs processor how to interpret this information

6 Finding a Program Contents of RAM disappear when we turn off the power  But I do not want to re-install Word each time I boot computer  Solve this problem by storing programs on secondary storage devices E.g.,

7 Running a Program Hard drive 10000x slower than RAM  Most of us are not this patient  Other storage devices are even slower! Computer starts program by loading it into RAM  Then uses executes the copy in memory But RAM is still 200x slower than CPU

8 Processor Cache Small amount of fast memory located on processor CPU stores most recently used instructions in this memory  Programs spend most time re-executing small number of instructions What happens when program executes new instructions?  Do not want CPUs running at 1/200 th speed

9 Fetch-Execute Cycle Processor run like assembly line Fetch Get instruction from memory and store in cache Decode Determine how processor will execute instruction  Retrieve data used by instruction and store it in registers

10 Fetch-Execute Cycle Execute Perform the actions  ALU executes math/logic functions  Control unit handles “branch” instructions  Processors use multiple ALUs so they can execute multiple instructions at once Retire Record outcome of instruction  Write results back to memory Work like bucket brigade to do this quickly

11 Instruction Scheduling add sub add Instruction r 7 f 1 f d 2 f d e 3 f d e r 4 d e r 5 e r 6 Cycles needed w/o pipelining = 4 * 4 = 16 Cycles needed w/ pipelining = 7

12 Not All Instructions Are Equal Add and subtract: Easy Multiply: Not as easy Divide: Hard Check if any other program modified a specific memory address and, if it has not been modified, write a new value into that address: Priceless  This is also VERY hard

13 Instruction Scheduling Processors take longer to execute harder instructions Example (actual times depends on CPU):  Add takes 1 cycle  Subtract takes 1 cycle  Multiply takes 3 cycles  Divide takes 5 cycles

14 Instruction Scheduling add sub mult add Instruction d e r 7 f 1 f d 2 f d e 3 f d e r 4   e 5   e 6 e r 8 r 9 Cycles needed w/o pipelining = 18 Cycles needed w/ pipelining = 9

15 Why is My Computer So Slow? If we only add & subtract numbers:  Pipelining improves performance 2.125x When we also multiply numbers:  Pipelining improves performance 2x Still an improvement, but not as good!

16 Mumble… Grumble… Stupid Hardware Problem is we have only one ALU  Can only do one add, sub, mult, div, AND, OR, etc. at a time  So, while our processor is busy multiplying Cannot execute other instructions… … which causes fetch & decode units to back up… … and causes our assembly line to stop Obvious solution: add another ALU

17 Woo-Hoo, More Hardware! add sub mult add Instruction e  r 7 f 1 f d 2 f d e 3 f d e r 4 d e e 5   e 6  r 8 r 9 Cycles needed w/o pipelining = 18 Cycles needed w/ pipelining = 9

18 What Happened Adding an ALU had no impact! Must finish first instruction before retiring the next one What if we allow CPU to execute and retire instructions in any order?  Imagine if we began with the multiply instruction

19 One More Time add sub mult add Instruction  r 7 f 1 f d 2 f d e 3 f d e r 4 d e e 5 e r e 6 r 8 9 Cycles needed w/o pipelining = 18 Cycles needed w/ pipelining = 8

20 Success! Running instructions out-of-order reduces execution time by 6% Modern processors actually execute MANY instructions at once Even fancier things happen in a compiler (program which creates other programs)  Compiler research also makes people smarter and more attractive

21 Your Turn What impact does 1 or 2 ALUs have on these instructions?  How about executing in-order or out-of-order? add mult sub add div sub add mult sub add mult add sub div add div add div mult sub

22 Boolean Properties Law of Double Negation: PropertyANDOR Commutative a·b = b·aa+b = b+a Associative a·(b·c) = (a·b)·ca+(b+c)=(a+b)+c Distributive a·(b+c) = (a·b)+(a·c)a+(b·c) = (a+b)·(a+c) Identity a·1 = aa+0 = a Complement a·ā = 0a+ā = 1 DeMorgan a·b = ā+ba+b = ā·b Idempotency a·a = aa+a = a

23 For next lecture Relax and enjoy the (relative) break  No quiz and no homework! Start reading Section 12 Be ready to discuss:  Information systems and databases

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