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1. We will know how to read a newspaper article. 2. We will get a clear understanding of the text. 3. We will be able to express our own opinion. Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "1. We will know how to read a newspaper article. 2. We will get a clear understanding of the text. 3. We will be able to express our own opinion. Learning."— Presentation transcript:


2 1. We will know how to read a newspaper article. 2. We will get a clear understanding of the text. 3. We will be able to express our own opinion. Learning objectives:

3 What makes a good news title? A good title should be attractive. A good title gives the main idea directly and exactly. A good title is usually brief. …

4 Boy missing, police puzzled A boy was missing, and the police were puzzled. Who is the boy? When/ Where/ How did he go missing? Why were the police puzzled?

5 Boy missing police puzzled

6 The structure of a news story Reading strategy title the first paragraph to give a general idea about the news to tell readers “who” “when” “where” “what” “why” “how”

7 the following paragraphs to give detailed but less important information the second paragraph to give more important facts The structure of a news story Reading strategy

8 The reading skills of news stories For general ideas, read the topic if any and the first one or two paragraphs; For details, read the rest of the story. Reading strategy

9 The first paragraph-----the lead Main points Supporting details Introduction & Background (Para 1) Who What When Where Why three days ago Dover, New Hampshire a fifteen-year-old boy went missing strange lights in the sky & alien visits around the time the boy disappeared gives the main idea and most important facts Fast reading did people show great interest

10 Lang Lang, a world-famous pianist, performed at a concert held in New York on Oct.24 to celebrate the 69 th birthday of the United Nations. Practice 2. Little apple, song, popular, China 1. Mo Yan, Nobel Prize, literature, 2012, Stockholm Mo Yan, a Chinese author won the 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature in Stockholm. Little apple, a hit song by pop group Chopstick Brothers has becoming popular overnight in China. 3.Lang Lang, Oct. 24, 2014, New York, concert, 69 th birthday, the UN

11 Main pointsSupporting details ( Para. 2) Who believed he was back? ______________ Justin Foster did go back home. his two friends witnesses his sister

12 Main pointsSupporting details Kelly saw ______________________ ______. Kelly heard ____________. Mavis Wood said ______________________ ______________________ _____________. a large spaceship flying outside Justin shout that the aliens took her away so that they could do research on her (Para. 3~8 ) The boy was taken away by aliens.

13 Main pointsSupporting details Detective Sam Peterson said __________________ (Para. 9 ) The police were puzzled there's really no hard evidence that aliens took the boy. They didn't dismiss the idea and were looking other possibilities.

14 Listening play baseball 8p.m.10.45p.m 11p.m. midnight the next day walk towards return home shout didn’t show up for lunch Listen to the recording and find out what happened to the boy according to the time order.

15 What’s the right order of the sentences? Justin did not show up at the family lunch the next day. Kelly heard Justin return home. Justin went to play baseball with his two friends. Justin was seen walking towards his home at 10.45 p.m. Kelly heard Justin shout. 1 2 3 4 5

16 This news story is about a boy’s strange____________. Though a lot of efforts have been made to look into the case, it still _______ unexplained. Main pointsSupporting details Justin Foster ____ missing. Mrs Foster thought he was spending the night with a ______. Justin Foster did not _____ at the family lunch the next day. Evidence showed that Justin returned home. Justin’s friends said he went home after playing baseball with them. _________said they saw Justin walking towards his home at 10.45 p.m. Kelly heard him ____ his favorite CD after he went to his room. Some believed the boy was taken away by ____. Kelly saw a large spaceship flying outside and heard Justin shouted. Mavis Wood said that the aliens took her aboard a UFO so that they could do _________ on her. The police were puzzled. It was _______ that Justin was taken by aliens, but there is no convincing evidence for it and there are other possibilities as well. disappearance remains went friend appear Witnesses play aliensresearch possible

17 Fill in the blanks to summarize the story Justin Foster went 1 last Friday night. He didn’t 2 3 at the family lunch the next day. That evening, Justin 4 home after the game. 5 also said missing showup returned Witnesses

18 they saw Justin walking towards his home. Justin’s sister, Kelly 6 him 7 8 his 9 CD and she also saw a large spaceship 10 outside. She heard Justin 11. Mavis Wood said that she was 12 13 by 14. They did some 15 on her. The whole 16. Was terrible. heard putonfavourite flying shout taken away aliens research experience

19 Police have not 17 the possibility that Justin was taken away by aliens. Detective Sam Peterson has 18 19 20 the case. taken charge of dismissed

20 Justin Foster, a fifteen-year-old boy, was missing three days ago. I’m Aaron Smith, a journalist from BBC. Group work: (interview) Can you tell me what happened that night?

21 Aliens took … aboard so that … Luckily, … without injuries. I think Justin was … Mrs Marvis WoodKelly heard sb. return … put on … pull back … see … spaceship inside … creatures … hear … shout … disappear … tried to wake up… … sent to bed Sam Peterson … haven’t dismissed … … looking into … … sometimes make up … … not give up …

22 Who, What, When, Where, Why, How The main topic and most important facts Inverted pyramid format (倒金字塔模式) attractive, direct, exact, brief Other people’s opinions The structure of the newspaper article Title : 1 st paragraph (the lead) 2 nd ~7 th paragraph 8 th ~9 th paragraph Detailed but less important information Comments Boy missing, police puzzled Evidence given by witnesses

23 Discussion If you were taken away by aliens, what would you do ?

24 Homework Finish “Close Reading ” on 11B of “Student Times”


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