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Area 51 The Forbidden Topic and land….. UFOs Real UFO siting's over London

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Presentation on theme: "Area 51 The Forbidden Topic and land….. UFOs Real UFO siting's over London"— Presentation transcript:

1 Area 51 The Forbidden Topic and land….

2 UFOs

3 Real UFO siting's over London spotted-london-witness-images.htm#.U2JuibBeEcAn-3471964

4 What is area 51? It is a air force base in Nevada that has been denied for about 64 years until recently. (In the isolated part of the Nevada desert) The CIA had just released to CNN News that Area 51 does exist. Also referred to as Paradise Ranch but-not-UFOs-or-aliens-220040751.html but-not-UFOs-or-aliens-220040751.html

5 What is a UFO? 1. a mysterious object seen in the sky for which, it is claimed, no orthodox scientific explanation can be found. 2. synonyms: flying saucer · alien spacecraft/spaceship · unidentified flying objectflying sauceralien spacecraft/spaceshipunidentified flying object

6 The Issue At Hand There are numerous of conspiracies about the existence of UFOs lurking around the isolated area. If anyone that are not authorized hovers over the area, they will be imprisoned. We want to find out the secret that is disclosed at area 51 and why was there existence denied for 64 years. If there are speculations or findings about aliens and their encounters with employees there why are they being denied.

7 Ways of knowing Interviews were conducted by an anonymous employees at the base that barely answered any questions. Although the interview does not seem authentic, nor the clip submitted, he is hiding something. I believe are things he is fearful of revealing. He was not the only individual that attested to finding the alien that held in custody and later died from unknown sickness.

8 Claims that supports that UFOs are hovering over/ in area 51 but-not-UFOs-or-aliens-220040751.html but-not-UFOs-or-aliens-220040751.html Mothership: the aircraft in which UFOs use to do space travel

9 Truth to the misleading ambiguous Question



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