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Two Year Offer Trials Launch 21 July 2011 Time 2 Start.

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Presentation on theme: "Two Year Offer Trials Launch 21 July 2011 Time 2 Start."— Presentation transcript:

1 Two Year Offer Trials Launch 21 July 2011 Time 2 Start

2 Welcome Jenny Mander & Kim Stokes Walsall Children’s Services Serco

3 Welcome Introductions Housekeeping How did we get here?

4 Purpose of the workshop Information about the joint project Meet colleagues Time to talk about our services

5 Why are we working together? Neighbours Good track record £400,000

6 Why are we working together? Feel reassured that kids getting good care Can go to the loo in peace My child feels happy Seeing the children improve - talking more, learning things, becoming more confident

7 W O W Walsall or Wolverhampton

8 Agenda 9.30Arrival & Refreshments 9.45WelcomeJenny Mander & Kim Stokes 9.55Activity - WoWJenny Mander & Kim Stokes 10.15Overview of the 2 year offer trials Lisa Hill 10.30Introduction to the Project Liaison Officers & their role Sally Ellis & Rachel Cook 11.15Activity – Barriers to delivering the 2 year old offer 11.20Local Authority group Q&A’s 11.40Activity – Solutions to the identified barriers 12.05Closing remarksAndrew Wolverson

9 WoW Jenny Mander & Kim Stokes

10 Overview of the Trial Lisa Hill Project Manager

11 Background At the beginning of 2011 DfE announced that they were looking at trialling new approaches to the 2 yr old offer. They were looking at trialling the following areas: building sustainable capacity improving overall quality increasing skills of early years workers enhancing local systems offering parents greater flexibility

12 Making the bid DfE outlined that they were in favour of consortia bids. Walsall and Wolverhampton put in a joint bid in and were successful Out of 150 LA bids only 15 were successful Awarded £400k

13 What was in the bid We looked at all of the strands outlined by DfE This included: Stretching the offer over 50 weeks Increasing places Raising quality through robust training packages Gathering and sharing of good practice Employing Project Liaison Officers Enhancing local systems such as e - start (Walsall) and Synergy (Wolverhampton) Looking at mentoring and coaching schemes

14 Why? The 2 yr offer will be expanded to all disadvantaged 2 yr olds by 2013 This has huge capacity implications We need to share our trials with other authorities so they can be prepared for the large increase in numbers To ensure the children and families get the best possible experience and outcomes from the offer

15 Introduction to the project team Sally Ellis & Rachel Cook Project Liaison Officers

16 Project Liaison Officers for 2 year Offer Sally Ellis – 01902 551480 (Thurs & Fri) email: Rachel Cook – 01902 554213 (Mon & Tues) email:

17 How do we fit into the overall offer? To support the strategic and operational development of the new approach to the 2 year offer as requested by the Project Board To monitor and trial new approaches to the 2 year offer

18 Our Role To identify good practice across the two authorities of Walsall and Wolverhampton To trial new methods and identify a consistent approach across all children’s centres and private settings offering the 2 yr places To develop relevant training packages to support practitioners To share good practice regionally through information sharing events

19 First Steps Introduction – meet with you all today and making appointments to visit you in your settings Parental engagement self evaluation toolkit: – Purpose of the toolkit is to gather evidence of good practice regarding parental engagement – To develop a support package formulated from the evidence gathered – To form case studies and share information

20 Next Steps The information gathered from the toolkit will inform future planning A robust training package will be developed in order to support practitioners in all settings To support and encourage effective partnership working Arrange events to share good practice with other authorities, first one in September and will cover West and East Midlands To identify elements of good practice that will be used in developing a mentoring and coaching programme To assist in the identification and development of effective communication strategies across service providers; which supports achieving positive outcomes for families

21 Activity We would like your views regarding the parental engagement toolkit: Please discuss in your groups and feedback to the facilitator Your views will be taken into account and the amended toolkit will be sent out to all settings

22 Parental Engagement Toolkit

23 Barriers to delivering the 2 year old offer

24 Local Authority Q&A Groups

25 Solutions to identified barriers

26 Closing Remarks Andrew Wolverson Wolverhampton City Council

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