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International Hydrographic Organization - ECDIS Stakeholders’ Forum - Captain Robert WARD Captain Robert WARD Director, IHB.

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Presentation on theme: "International Hydrographic Organization - ECDIS Stakeholders’ Forum - Captain Robert WARD Captain Robert WARD Director, IHB."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Hydrographic Organization - ECDIS Stakeholders’ Forum - Captain Robert WARD Captain Robert WARD Director, IHB

2 Topics IHO Structure IHO Structure Decision Making Process Decision Making Process

3 80 IHO Member States (167 IMO Member States) (167 IMO Member States)

4 80 IHO Member States 2 Approvals and 2 Applications Pending: Bulgaria and Mauritania, Cameroon and Sierra Leone

5 IHO - Objectives  The Objectives of the IHO are: coordination of the activities of national hydrographic officescoordination of the activities of national hydrographic offices greatest possible uniformity of nautical charts and documentsgreatest possible uniformity of nautical charts and documents adoption of reliable and efficient methods for hydrographic surveysadoption of reliable and efficient methods for hydrographic surveys development of related sciences and techniquesdevelopment of related sciences and techniques

6 Principal Programmes Cooperation among MS and with other International Organizations Cooperation among MS and with other International Organizations Capacity Building Capacity Building Technical Technical

7 IHO Structure

8 International Hydrographic Conference 5 yearly +EIHCs Annually at least annually or by correspondence 13 Regional Hydrographic Commissions Finance CommitteeFinance Committee Tidal CommitteeTidal Committee S44 WGS44 WG Hydrographic Dictionary WGHydrographic Dictionary WG Committee on AntarcticaCommittee on Antarctica …..….. CHRISWEND Capacity Building Committee IHO – Structure - 2008 sub WG’s TSMADWG C & SMWG SNPWG WEND TG


10 Hierarchy International Hydrographic Conference (IHO Work programme, Budget)  Committees  Working Groups  Sub Working Groups

11 Decision Making IHO decisions are made by consulting ALL IHO M/S IHO decisions are made by consulting ALL IHO M/S Committees and WGs only make recommendations Committees and WGs only make recommendations Voting represents government position Voting represents government position Majorities vary according to subject: Majorities vary according to subject: 2 / 3 of M/S 2 / 3 of M/S simple majoritysimple majority usually means at least 38 affirmative votes required usually means at least 38 affirmative votes required

12 IHO Participation M/S represented by official government delegates M/S represented by official government delegates NGIO’s speak for non-government interests and participate as observers NGIO’s speak for non-government interests and participate as observers Technical WG’s may invite “technical experts” to participate as observers Technical WG’s may invite “technical experts” to participate as observers

13 2009 – Transition to a two - Committee Structure Hydrographic Specifications and Standards Committee (HSSC) Hydrographic Specifications and Standards Committee (HSSC) All technical programs, technical WGs, …..All technical programs, technical WGs, ….. Inter Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC) Inter Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC) All inter-regional and capacity building programsAll inter-regional and capacity building programs

14 International Hydrographic Conference 13 Regional Hydrographic Commissions Revised IHO – Structure – January 2009 sub WG’s WG’sWG’sWG’s WG’sWG’sWG’s Finance Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC) Inter-Regional Coordination Committee (IRCC) 5 yearly +EIHCs Annually at least annually or by correspondence

15 IHO Decision Making - Summary Committees and WGs only provide proposals Committees and WGs only provide proposals Unless decided at a Conference (= General Assembly ) Unless decided at a Conference (= General Assembly ) ALL Member States are consulted by correspondenceALL Member States are consulted by correspondence At least a 50% positive vote is required ( currently 38 votes )At least a 50% positive vote is required ( currently 38 votes ) Not responding, is in effect = “NO”Not responding, is in effect = “NO” This is normal procedure for many inter- governmental organizations This is normal procedure for many inter- governmental organizations

16 International Hydrographic Organization - ECDIS Stakeholders’ Forum - Captain Robert WARD Captain Robert WARD Director, IHB

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