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EUROPEAN COMMISSION Neighbourhood Programmes 2004-06 - An Overview - Moray Gilland, DG Regional Policy Gianni Ballette, DG Enlargement Belgrade, 18 January.

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Presentation on theme: "EUROPEAN COMMISSION Neighbourhood Programmes 2004-06 - An Overview - Moray Gilland, DG Regional Policy Gianni Ballette, DG Enlargement Belgrade, 18 January."— Presentation transcript:

1 EUROPEAN COMMISSION Neighbourhood Programmes 2004-06 - An Overview - Moray Gilland, DG Regional Policy Gianni Ballette, DG Enlargement Belgrade, 18 January 2005

2 Rationale behind the need for co-operation l Recognition of the particular difficulties of border regions:  geography  language  legal aspects  administration l Recognition of a clear added-value at European level of providing support for co- operation 2

3 A Little History Commission has long-standing commitment to co-operation programmes:  INTERREG  Phare CBC  Tacis CBC 3

4 Development of Co-operation l Increasing levels of funding l Support for co-operation structures l Importance of local responsibility l Difficulties in co-ordinating different funds 4

5 What is Neighbourhood? l l In its wider sense, the European Union and its neighbours working together l l More specifically, it concerns co-operation across the external border of the Union – cross-border and transnational co-operation l l “develop a zone of prosperity and a friendly neighbourhood with whom the EU enjoys close, peaceful and co-operative relations” 5

6 Communication of 1 st July 2003 [COM 393] l l Experience of cross-border co-operation at EU external borders: considerable progress, but still legal and budgetary constraints l l Towards a “Neighbourhood Instrument” l l A two-phase approach:   2004-06: Neighbourhood Programmes   2007 onwards: an integrated CBC tool operating on both sides of EU borders (IPA and ENPI) 6

7 What are Neighbourhood Programmes? l l A radical step forward in co-operation l l Based on the INTERREG or PHARE CBC framework l l Joint programmes, joint management structures l l Funding allocations from internal and external instruments 7

8 Neighbourhood Programmes’ Objectives l l Promoting sustainable economic and social development in the border areas l l Working together to address common challenges (environment, public health, organized crime) l l Ensuring efficient and secure borders l l “People-to-people” type action 8

9 Neighbourhood Programmes’ Content Cross-border programmes: l l are essentially local in nature l l targeted at border populations l l improving the economic and social situation of those living either side of the border Transnational programmes (CADSES): l l are much larger geographically and financially l l not specifically focussed on border issues l l transport, environment, spatial development 9

10 Neighbourhood Programmes’ Approach l l Joint Programme (2004-06) l l Includes INTERREG or Phare CBC and Cards funds l l Includes involved countries as equal partners l l Single call for projects, single application, single selection process, joint projects l l Formal contracting process remains separate for internal and external elements 10

11 Neighbourhood Programmes 2004-06 Neighbourhood Programmes SCG – Romania SCG - Bulgaria (CARDS – PHARE CBC) 11

12 Neighbourhood Programmes Key elements l l Prepared in border areas - local ownership l l Partnership - wider involvement l l Strategic approach - better planning l l Multi-annual - more certainty l l Joint selection process - genuine cross-border nature and local decisions 12

13 Neighbourhood Programmes 2004-06 SCG – Bulgaria (CARDS – PHARE CBC) SCG – Romania (CARDS – PHARE CBC) 13

14 Neighbourhood Programs Cards - Phare CBC 14 Indicative allocation of funds (million €): RO-SCGBG-SCG Phare-CBCCardsPhare-CBCCards 20044,001,403,001,00 20055,001,404,001,00 20058,001,406,001,00

15 Neighbourhood Programmes Eligible Areas Neighbourhood Programme SCG-BG SCG: Borsky, Zaiecarski, Niski, Pirotski, Jablanicki, Pcinjski Bulgaria: Vidin, Montana, Sofia district (partially), Pernik, Kyustendil 15

16 Neighbourhood Programme SCG-BG ELARG.D.2/Feb. 2004 16

17 Neighbourhood Programs Cards - Phare CBC JPD SCG-BG priorities and measures: 1. 1. Promoting sustainable economic development Meas. 1: Improving business-related infrastructure Meas. 2: Safeguard and management of natural environment 2. 2. Support to social, institutional and economic cohesion Meas. 1: Regional and local co-operation between institution and communities Meas. 2: Enhancing cross-border social and economic cohesion 3. 3. People-to-people actions 4. 4. Technical Assistance 17

18 Neighbourhood Programmes Eligible Areas Neighbourhood Programme SCG-RO SCG: Severno-Banatski, Srednje-Banatski, Juzno- Banatski, Branicevski, Borsky Romania: Mehedinti, Caraş-Severin, Timis 18

19 Neighbourhood Programme SCG-RO ELARG.D.2/Feb. 2004 19

20 Neighbourhood Programs Cards - Phare CBC JPD SCG-RO priorities and measures: 1. 1. Local Economic and Social Development Meas. 1: Business and Agricultural support co-operation Meas. 2: Co-operation between local public services Meas. 3: Support for small-scale environmental and local infrastructure development 2. 2. People-to-people actions Meas. 1: Joint Small Project Fund 3. 3. Technical Assistance Meas. 1: Programme management and implementation Meas. 2: Programme publicity and evaluation. Project preparation 20

21 Neighbourhood Programs Phare CBC - Cards Institutional aspects Management structures Programme Implementation 21

22 Neighbourhood Programs Phare CBC - Cards NP Responsible Authorities: l l EU Member States: managing Authority l l RO and BG: Implementing Agency (Phare CBC), acting also as Contracting Authority l l SCG: Programme Co-ordination and Management Unit (Cards). European Agency for Reconstruction acts as Contracting Authority 22

23 Neighbourhood Programmes NP Management Structures: l l Joint Monitoring Committee (Interreg) Joint Co-operation Committee (Phare) l l Joint Steering Committee l l Joint Technical Secretariat 23

24 Neighbourhood Programmes Implementing Rules: Neighbourhood Programme 2004-06 Implementing Guidelines for INTERREG- CARDS/TACIS borders Issued by the Commission on 11 June 2004 Implementing Guidelines for Phare CBC-CARDS/TACIS borders Issued by the Commission on 15 July 2004 24

25 Neighbourhood Programs Phare CBC - Cards Implementing Rules (cont’d): General reference: Practical Guide to contract procedures financed from the general Budget of the European Communities in the context of external actions (PraG) 25

26 Neighbourhood Programmes’ Funding l l Internal (MSs and candidate countries): funds from INTERREG and Phare CBC l l External (SCG): funds from Cards l l Funding still grater on internal side compared to external side – acting with budget limits l l Vital to make effective use of funds to demonstrate that co-operation is viable and worth continuing – best way to make a case for increased funding after 2006 26

27 Neighbourhood Programs Cards - Phare CBC Programming Cycle (overview): l l NP Joint Programming Document 2004-06 (strategy, priorities, measures) l l Yearly Financing proposal + Project fiches l l Commission Decision approving FP l l Project fiches implemented by joint structures through single call for proposals 27

28 Neighbourhood Programs Cards - Phare CBC l l Kick-off meetings in February 2004 (Băile Herculane – RO, and Belogradchik - BG) l l Joint Task Forces prepared the JPDs 2004- 06 (finalised by September 2004) l l Joint Task Forces agreed on actions to be implemented in 2004 (Project fiches) l l Commission approved the 2004 Financing Proposals on 8 November 28

29 Neighbourhood Programs Cards - Phare CBC JPDs priorities: l l Economic and Social Development l l People-to-people actions (Joint Small Project Fund) l l Technical Assistance (up to 5% of Cards and Phare CBC allocations) 29

30 Neighbourhood Programs Phare CBC - Cards Project eligibility criteria: Cross-border character:   Unilateral projects benefiting both partners   Complementary projects   Integrated projects (prioritised) Project selection criteria: Specified in the Call for proposals 30

31 Neighbourhood Programs Phare CBC - Cards Yearly Programming exercise: [JPD covers 2004-06] è è JCC decides a common set of actions (Project Fiches) to be submitted to the Commission è è Commission decision approving the Financing Proposal (Phare) and Action Programme (Cards) è è Financing Agreements signed 31

32 Neighbourhood Programs Phare CBC - Cards Programming exercise (cont’d): è è Yearly Program is implemented through joint calls for proposals (single application process, single selection process) 32

33 Neighbourhood Programs Phare CBC - Cards Programming exercise (cont’d): è è Joint selection of projects è è Commission/EAR approval è è Grant contracts signed (RO/BG: IA) (SCG: EAR) è è Beneficiaries commence implementing the projects 33

34 Neighbourhood Programs Phare CBC - Cards Eligible Partners: l l Public authorities l l Civil society, non-governmental bodies, economic and social actors 34

35 Neighbourhood Programmes 2004-06 Neighbourhood Programmes SCG-HU and HU-RO IT-Adriatic CADSES (CARDS – INTERREG) 35

36 SCG-HU and HU-RO Funding (2004-2006): EUR 24m ERDF EUR 8m co-financing EUR 3m CARDS Funding (2004-2006): EUR 24m ERDF EUR 8m co-financing EUR 3m CARDS

37 Hungary-Serbia & Montenegro and Hungary-Romania CBC Programme PRIORITIES l Strengthening the spatial, physical and infrastructural integrity of the cross-border area Promotion of co-operation initiatives in order to facilitate the integration of markets and enhance coherence between local communities Promotion of co-operation initiatives in order to facilitate the integration of markets and enhance coherence between local communities 37

38 Italy-Adriatic Funding (2000-2006) EUR 51m ERDF EUR 51m co-financing EUR 6m CARDS Funding (2000-2006) EUR 51m ERDF EUR 51m co-financing EUR 6m CARDS

39 Italy-Adriatic Cross-border Programme PRIORITIES l Protection and taking account of environment, culture and infrastructure of the cross-border territory l Economic integration of the cross-border productive systems: on interventions of predominantly private interest, competitiveness and the strengthening of the SME industry, handicraft, tourism, agriculture and fishing l Co-operation strengthening actions: on interventions of systems to strengthen the institutions, harmonisation of systems, promotion of democracy, employment, security, social promotion and the qualification of human resources 39

40 CADSES Funding (2000-2006) EUR 161m ERDF EUR 118m co-financing EUR 4.8m CARDS Funding (2000-2006) EUR 161m ERDF EUR 118m co-financing EUR 4.8m CARDS

41 CADSES Transnational Programme PRIORITIES l l Promoting spatial development approaches and actions for social and economic cohesion l l Efficient and sustainable transport systems and access to the information society l l Promotion and management of landscape, natural and cultural heritage l l Environment protection, resource management and risk prevention 41

42 Neighbourhood Programs INTERREG - Cards Implementing Rules: Neighbourhood Programme 2004-06 Implementing Guidelines for INTERREG- CARDS/TACIS borders Issued by the Commission on 11 June 2004 42

43 Neighbourhood Programmes 2005 Challenges: l l Effective co-operation between partner countries essential (management structures) l l Select credible, effective, genuine cross- border and transnational co-operation projects l l Ensure widespread involvement at the local level l l Lay the foundations for the longer-term 43

44 Neighbourhood Programmes 2005 Challenges: l l Set up Joint Technical Secretariats ASAP, if not yet in place l l Prepare Guidelines for applicants and launch joint calls for proposals as soon as possible l l Establish project fiches 2005 by end-May (for PHARE CBC-CARDS) 44

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