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Hans Øyvind Nilsen – Adviser LO-Norway Our background and experiences.

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Presentation on theme: "Hans Øyvind Nilsen – Adviser LO-Norway Our background and experiences."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hans Øyvind Nilsen – Adviser LO-Norway Our background and experiences

2 Tittel på foredrag - kan endres i vis > topptekstWarshaw 14.06.2006 17-Nov-15 side 2 Who we are Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO-Norway) Established in 1899 23 affiliated unions 870 000 members More than 50% of our members are female Experienced participant in tripartite relations

3 Enterprise development and employee participation Broad class compromises established in the 1930s, initiating a long-lasting co-operative partnership between capital, labour and the state Social democracy, strong state in the financial market, state or mixed ownership in many of the major corporations Institutionalised cooperation between the labour market parties (the social partners) through collective agreements and national programmes for enterprise development on a national level Tittel på foredrag - kan endres i vis > topptekstWarshaw 14.06.2006 17-Nov-15 side 3

4 Labour market – main figures High employment rate: 72 % Low unemployment rate: 3.1% High female employment rate:68 % Union density: 52 % No minimum wages

5 Source: OECD. Unemployment level and development prosentage of work force

6 Source: Eurostat Procentage om employment, women, 15-64 years, 2010 ca 1975

7 Union density 2009-2010 Source: OECD

8 Tittel på foredrag - kan endres i vis > topptekstWarshaw 14.06.2006 side 8 LOs experiences with the EEA financial mechanisms: 2004 – 2009: (First term after enlargement) 2007: (Romania/Bulgaria joins) 2009-2014: (Renegotiations – expansion)

9 Tittel på foredrag - kan endres i vis > topptekstWarshaw 14.06.2006 side 9 Challenges in the past Capacity in recipient countries Complicated procedures Projects attempts that failed during the past term: Estonia – Foreign ministry as “Focal point” Lithuania – ”work migration center”

10 Tittel på foredrag - kan endres i vis > topptekstWarshaw 14.06.2006 side 10 New possibilities 2007: New financial mechanism for Romania and Bulgaria –Innovation Norway –New priorities: among them HSE –Our first projects – total of ca 1 mill euros 2009: New EEA financial mechanism from late December. –New fund for promotion of Decent Work and Tripartite Dialogue. 2011: Launching and information seminars – today!

11 Tittel på foredrag - kan endres i vis > topptekstWarshaw 14.06.2006 side 11 Romania Name: 2008/111186: ”Capacity building for Members of the Health and Safety Committees” Period: 1.June 2009 - 30.April 2011 Total budget: 666 600 Euro Goal To enhance social dialogue in the work place and introduce innovative measures for improvement and monitoring of the working conditions in the Romanian industry Partners:LO Norway - project promoter Confederatiei Sindicatelor Democratice din Romania (CSDR), Cartel Alfa Confederation og CNSLR Fratia

12 Tittel på foredrag - kan endres i vis > topptekstWarshaw 14.06.2006 side 12 Overall aim: Capacity building for worker representatives in Health and Safety Committees at the work place. The project will increase the knowledge of HSE-work among the workers in Romania The project will target an increased efficiency of the Health and Safety Committees which are operational at company level in Romania Development of the social dialogue based on an increased capacity of the Romanian social partners – with an emphasis on trade unions Target HSE issues and ensure a better application of the legislation in the field of HSE.

13 214 persons trained through two series of seminars 31 Health and Safety Committees involved Research conducted 2 study visits to Norway Resource and Information Centre Website – online forum: Quarterly newsletter 1200 training kits (1 st edition) 1000 training kits (2 nd edition) 1500 CDs and 1500 flyers Some results :

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