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Science review. Who created the Atomic Theory? John DaltonJohn Dalton.

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Presentation on theme: "Science review. Who created the Atomic Theory? John DaltonJohn Dalton."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science review

2 Who created the Atomic Theory? John DaltonJohn Dalton

3 What did it say? That all matter is made up of tiny particles called atomsThat all matter is made up of tiny particles called atoms

4 What is an atom composed of? ProtonsProtons NeutronsNeutrons ElectronsElectrons

5 These are also called? Subatomic particlesSubatomic particles

6 What charge does an electron have? negativenegative

7 What charge does a proton have? positivepositive

8 What charge does a neutron have? NeutralNeutral

9 Electrons move in a path called …. orbits

10 These are also called …. Energy levels

11 High energy electrons are (closer or further) away. further

12 Which subatomic particle has more mass? protons

13 How much? About 2,000 times

14 If the atom has the same amount of protons and electrons, what is it called? A neutral atom

15 What is a substance made up of only one kind of atom? element

16 What is an atom? The smallest unit of an element that has all the properties of that element

17 How do you determine the atomic number of an element? The number of protons in one atom

18 In pure form, what state are most elements found at room temperature? solid

19 What are the two liquids? Mercury & bromine

20 What is a molecule? Two or more atoms linked together

21 What is luster? shininess

22 What type of luster do most metals have? Silver, gray

23 What is malleable? To be hammered or rolled into thin sheets

24 What is ductile? Be able to be formed into wires

25 What is special about metal electrons? They are free to move to other metal atoms

26 Why is metal not used on pot handles? Metals conduct heat

27 Describe an insulator Material that does not conduct electricity well

28 What makes a good insulator? The electrons are bound tightly to their atoms

29 What is an alloy? A mixture of different metals

30 The End

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