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Questions The Founding Fathers declared independence and won the Revolutionary War (1775-1783). Now what? What are some values, ideas, etc., we should.

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Presentation on theme: "Questions The Founding Fathers declared independence and won the Revolutionary War (1775-1783). Now what? What are some values, ideas, etc., we should."— Presentation transcript:

1 Questions The Founding Fathers declared independence and won the Revolutionary War (1775-1783). Now what? What are some values, ideas, etc., we should keep in mind as we form a new govt.? What are some potential problems we face as a new nation, and how should we go about solving them?

2 Our First Government Why the Articles of Confederation (1781-1787) Didn’t Work (aka Why the Articles of Confederation Sucked)

3 Articles of Confederation (AoC) Established a confederation Alliance of independent states (power/sovereignty remains with states) The confederate (national) govt. only had delegated powers, powers specifically given to it by the states.

4 AoC Structure Established only a unicameral (one house) legislature where each state regardless of wealth or population had 1 vote. Did NOT establish executive or judicial branches. ◦ States did not want a strong govt. (no executive that could become a king, no judges that could rule against the states).

5 National Powers under the AoC Make war and peace Make treaties Borrow money Establish post offices Build a navy Raise an army (ask states for troops) Settle disputes among states

6 AoC Weaknesses 1. Congress had no power to tax (leaving the national govt. completely dependent upon state funding) 2. Congress had no power to regulate interstate trade (commerce & economic matters) 3. No executive (president) to enforce acts of Congress 4. No national court system (judiciary) 5. One vote for each state in Congress, regardless of population or wealth 6. 9/13 state majority to pass laws in Congress 7. Unanimous consent for amending the AoC StatesNatl. Govt.

7 The “Critical Period” (1780s) Very real threat of the nation falling apart and becoming 13 separate ones ( = easy pickins for England, France, or Spain) States printed their own money, made agreements with foreign govts., refused to obey the laws of Congress or fund the Congress itself, etc. Shay’s Rebellion (1786) illustrated the natl. govt.’s powerlessness to deal with armed rebellion, convincing many that a stronger natl. govt. was finally necessary. The Constitution provided this stronger natl. govt.

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