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Early Civilizations The Ancient World Instructor Pacas.

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1 Early Civilizations The Ancient World Instructor Pacas


3 Catal Huyuk (Turkey) Catalhuyuk-Turkey: 7,000 BCE - ? Catalhuyuk-Turkey: 7,000 BCE - ? The scholarship of the previous century began the study of ancient civilizations in the area known as Mesopotamia which is in modern day Iraq. The scholarship of the previous century began the study of ancient civilizations in the area known as Mesopotamia which is in modern day Iraq. It was believed that between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers the most ancient civilizations emerged. It was believed that between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers the most ancient civilizations emerged. New discoveries have recently changed this popular held view. It is now believed that the earliest proof of civilization are to be found in Anatolia or modern day Turkey. New discoveries have recently changed this popular held view. It is now believed that the earliest proof of civilization are to be found in Anatolia or modern day Turkey. *Though what might be term sophisticated settlements existed in the area of Syria-Palestine (Jericho) at least 2000 years before the settlements discovered in Turkey. *Though what might be term sophisticated settlements existed in the area of Syria-Palestine (Jericho) at least 2000 years before the settlements discovered in Turkey. Debate rages whether to categorize these settlements as complex urban centers = civilizations. Debate rages whether to categorize these settlements as complex urban centers = civilizations.

4 Catalhuyuk in Anatolia is credited (currently) as the oldest center of civilization. Catalhuyuk in Anatolia is credited (currently) as the oldest center of civilization. Dating to the 8th millennium BCE Catalhuyuk was a collection of houses located in an area 3000 feet above sea level enjoying a mild climate, good water sources, natural resources of obsidian much needed raw material in the ancient world and an abundance of wild life that had been domesticated to ensure a continuous source of food, leather and wool. Dating to the 8th millennium BCE Catalhuyuk was a collection of houses located in an area 3000 feet above sea level enjoying a mild climate, good water sources, natural resources of obsidian much needed raw material in the ancient world and an abundance of wild life that had been domesticated to ensure a continuous source of food, leather and wool.

5 Catalhuyuk engaged in trade with Syria- Palestine communities, emerging communities in Mesopotamia and Cyprus. Catalhuyuk engaged in trade with Syria- Palestine communities, emerging communities in Mesopotamia and Cyprus. Catalhuyuk exported the much coveted obsidian and from Syria-Palestine they imported flint, from Lebanon region they imported wood and from Mesopotamia wool and grain. Catalhuyuk exported the much coveted obsidian and from Syria-Palestine they imported flint, from Lebanon region they imported wood and from Mesopotamia wool and grain. This trade contact shows that inter-cultural exchange of goods and ideas was already occurring by the 7th millennium BCE between Turkey, Syria-Palestine, Lebanon and Mesopotamia at the very least. This trade contact shows that inter-cultural exchange of goods and ideas was already occurring by the 7th millennium BCE between Turkey, Syria-Palestine, Lebanon and Mesopotamia at the very least.

6 Trade with Cyprus was probably conducted between the communities of Lebanon and Syria- Palestine which demonstrates that a certain degree of skill and knowledge in sea faring existed by this time in the early communities of the Mediterranean. Trade with Cyprus was probably conducted between the communities of Lebanon and Syria- Palestine which demonstrates that a certain degree of skill and knowledge in sea faring existed by this time in the early communities of the Mediterranean. Because no known wheeled vehicles dating to this time period have come to light trade over land must have been conducted via animal caravans. Because no known wheeled vehicles dating to this time period have come to light trade over land must have been conducted via animal caravans.

7 Ancient Leather Boat

8 Catalhuyuk has not revealed any system of recording information that we can discern as writing. Catalhuyuk has not revealed any system of recording information that we can discern as writing. Though painting of murals and religious figurines that communicate complex ideas have been discovered. Though painting of murals and religious figurines that communicate complex ideas have been discovered. We cannot discern who the people who settled Catalhuyuk were because we have no written record so it is safe to assume that they were an ‘aboriginal’ group of Anatolia. We cannot discern who the people who settled Catalhuyuk were because we have no written record so it is safe to assume that they were an ‘aboriginal’ group of Anatolia.

9 It is believed that the religion of Catalhuyuk might have been a mother goddess cult and a bull cult as artifacts depicting these two have been unearthed in various dwelling places. It is believed that the religion of Catalhuyuk might have been a mother goddess cult and a bull cult as artifacts depicting these two have been unearthed in various dwelling places. The fact that Catalhuyuk was believed to be pre- literary civilization is one factor why it has not received as much concentration in the area of study as the next civilizations we will discuss. The fact that Catalhuyuk was believed to be pre- literary civilization is one factor why it has not received as much concentration in the area of study as the next civilizations we will discuss.

10 Mesopotamia (Middle East) Mesopotamia: 5,500 BCE – 2,500 BCE Mesopotamia: 5,500 BCE – 2,500 BCE Sumerians Sumerians Though current academia has determined that there is a possibility that ancient civilizations pre-date the civilization of Mesopotamia it is in Mesopotamia that the oldest literate civilizations emerged. Though current academia has determined that there is a possibility that ancient civilizations pre-date the civilization of Mesopotamia it is in Mesopotamia that the oldest literate civilizations emerged. Between 5500 – 3500 BCE the civilizations that bordered the Tigris and Euphrates had begun to cultivate the land along the river banks and were producing large surpluses of grain that they utilized along with wool products to trade with their western neighbors in Anatolia, Lebanon and Syria-Palestine. Between 5500 – 3500 BCE the civilizations that bordered the Tigris and Euphrates had begun to cultivate the land along the river banks and were producing large surpluses of grain that they utilized along with wool products to trade with their western neighbors in Anatolia, Lebanon and Syria-Palestine.

11 This group of people are known as Ubaid people or Sumerians from their early settlements at Sumer. This group of people are known as Ubaid people or Sumerians from their early settlements at Sumer. These Sumerians had organized themselves around a central government and temple bureaucracy. These Sumerians had organized themselves around a central government and temple bureaucracy. It is believed that it was these early Sumerians who invented the wheel to facilitate traveling and trading by land. It is believed that it was these early Sumerians who invented the wheel to facilitate traveling and trading by land.

12 These new developments facilitated the increase in population in the cities along the Tigris and Euphrates. These new developments facilitated the increase in population in the cities along the Tigris and Euphrates. The surplus of grain was able to feed this larger concentrated population and its livestock, which in turn allowed increase in trade with their neighbors, and the creation of a class system based on attainable and ‘quantifiable’ wealth. The surplus of grain was able to feed this larger concentrated population and its livestock, which in turn allowed increase in trade with their neighbors, and the creation of a class system based on attainable and ‘quantifiable’ wealth.

13 The products that could be acquired through trade,which usually was stone to work into desirable objects or religious figures, gave new dimensions to the society. The products that could be acquired through trade,which usually was stone to work into desirable objects or religious figures, gave new dimensions to the society. It was due to the trade in stone that we get the first development of what might be termed writing or at least cataloging of goods. It was due to the trade in stone that we get the first development of what might be termed writing or at least cataloging of goods. Stone acquired from Syria-Palestine and Anatolia was worked into cylinder seals. Stone acquired from Syria-Palestine and Anatolia was worked into cylinder seals. Pictures engraved in the stones would be rolled over wet clay which made an impression. It is believed that these cylinder seals were utilized as a means to catalog some transactions and serve as a means to authenticate that the transaction indeed took place. Pictures engraved in the stones would be rolled over wet clay which made an impression. It is believed that these cylinder seals were utilized as a means to catalog some transactions and serve as a means to authenticate that the transaction indeed took place.

14 Cylinder Seal

15 Around 3500 BCE the civilizations of the Sumerians in Mesopotamia developed a pictographic writing system to record the transactions of goods between Mesopotamia and their neighbors. Around 3500 BCE the civilizations of the Sumerians in Mesopotamia developed a pictographic writing system to record the transactions of goods between Mesopotamia and their neighbors. The system was pictographic- pictures or symbols were representative of an object or an idea and these were utilized to keep track of governmental or personal transactions. The system was pictographic- pictures or symbols were representative of an object or an idea and these were utilized to keep track of governmental or personal transactions. Eventually the system evolved and became more abstract (to facilitate the record keeping of the mass amount of transactions). Eventually the system evolved and became more abstract (to facilitate the record keeping of the mass amount of transactions). The writing system eventually developed into what we term Cuneiform which stems from the latin word for ‘nail’ which is descriptive of the form the symbols took. The writing system eventually developed into what we term Cuneiform which stems from the latin word for ‘nail’ which is descriptive of the form the symbols took.

16 Between 3500 – 3000 BCE Sumerian civilization began to establish ‘colonies’ in the areas that they traded with. Between 3500 – 3000 BCE Sumerian civilization began to establish ‘colonies’ in the areas that they traded with. It was perhaps these early colonies that were responsible for the diffusion of ideas and influences and inter-cultural exchange of ideas in the ancient world from Anatolia to Mesopotamia. It was perhaps these early colonies that were responsible for the diffusion of ideas and influences and inter-cultural exchange of ideas in the ancient world from Anatolia to Mesopotamia. Between Syria-Palestine, perhaps Lebanon and the island of Cyprus there was trade conducted in obsidian which was imported from Anatolia and other goods so at this early date the Mediterranean Sea was already a unifying source and not a detriment to contact. Between Syria-Palestine, perhaps Lebanon and the island of Cyprus there was trade conducted in obsidian which was imported from Anatolia and other goods so at this early date the Mediterranean Sea was already a unifying source and not a detriment to contact. Contact between Syria-Palestine or Lebanon and Cyprus required some nautical skills at this early date circa 3500 BCE. Contact between Syria-Palestine or Lebanon and Cyprus required some nautical skills at this early date circa 3500 BCE.

17 It is perhaps also these early colonies and exploration that diffused ideas and ushered an era of inter-cultural contact between Mesopotamia and Africa (Egypt) and perhaps India in Asia. It is perhaps also these early colonies and exploration that diffused ideas and ushered an era of inter-cultural contact between Mesopotamia and Africa (Egypt) and perhaps India in Asia.

18 Akkadians (Middle East) Akkadians: Akkadians: Around 3000 BCE migrations or invasions by a group of perhaps Semitic people came into contact with the Sumerians and integrated to a certain extent into Sumerian civilization. Around 3000 BCE migrations or invasions by a group of perhaps Semitic people came into contact with the Sumerians and integrated to a certain extent into Sumerian civilization. This group are known to us as Akkadians their language was very similar to Hebrew and Arabic so it is for this reason that historians believe they were of Semitic stock though they adopted and adapted the Sumerian writing system of cuneiform. This group are known to us as Akkadians their language was very similar to Hebrew and Arabic so it is for this reason that historians believe they were of Semitic stock though they adopted and adapted the Sumerian writing system of cuneiform.

19 It is believed that the Akkadians were forced to migrate because they were pushed by other migratory groups perhaps from a possible flood of the Black Sea which might have given the material for the biblical story of the flood. It is believed that the Akkadians were forced to migrate because they were pushed by other migratory groups perhaps from a possible flood of the Black Sea which might have given the material for the biblical story of the flood. Central Turkey or Anatolia also experienced a flood of migration from Europe and Eurasian steppes around this time. Central Turkey or Anatolia also experienced a flood of migration from Europe and Eurasian steppes around this time. perhaps from displaced communities trying to escape the rising level of water caused by the melting of glaciers which caused a rise of the water level in the Mediterranean which rushed into the Black Sea causing this sea to flood its banks and the surrounding area at alarming rates. perhaps from displaced communities trying to escape the rising level of water caused by the melting of glaciers which caused a rise of the water level in the Mediterranean which rushed into the Black Sea causing this sea to flood its banks and the surrounding area at alarming rates.

20 Though writing was developed in Mesopotamia around this period it was mostly for documenting governmental transactions and not much has survived. Though writing was developed in Mesopotamia around this period it was mostly for documenting governmental transactions and not much has survived. The period divided into three early dynastic phases does not give much historical data. The period divided into three early dynastic phases does not give much historical data.

21 Early Dynastic I from 3000-2800 we have hardly anything of historical merit. Early Dynastic I from 3000-2800 we have hardly anything of historical merit. Early Dynastic II 2800-2500 saw the creation of the great Epic of Gilgamesh but besides this fabulous story not much more survives that helps shed light for historians on Sumerian/Akkadian culture. Early Dynastic II 2800-2500 saw the creation of the great Epic of Gilgamesh but besides this fabulous story not much more survives that helps shed light for historians on Sumerian/Akkadian culture. It is not until Early Dynastic III 2500-2330 that historians hit a treasure trove of ancient historical record that allows us to piece together a fairly well documented view of Sumerian/Akkadian Mesopotamian Civilization. It is not until Early Dynastic III 2500-2330 that historians hit a treasure trove of ancient historical record that allows us to piece together a fairly well documented view of Sumerian/Akkadian Mesopotamian Civilization.

22 Ancient Egypt (Africa) Egypt 3500 – 2500 BCE Egypt 3500 – 2500 BCE Not much is known of the early period of what might be termed Egyptian history. Not much is known of the early period of what might be termed Egyptian history. As early as 4,000 BCE there existed some fairly densely populated settlements along the Nile with somewhat complex socio-cultural developments. As early as 4,000 BCE there existed some fairly densely populated settlements along the Nile with somewhat complex socio-cultural developments. This period known as Naqada I 4000 – 3500 BCE saw the earliest contact between Egyptians and their eastern neighbors. This period known as Naqada I 4000 – 3500 BCE saw the earliest contact between Egyptians and their eastern neighbors. The period that followed, Naqada II, saw an increase in the complexity of Egyptian civilization. The period that followed, Naqada II, saw an increase in the complexity of Egyptian civilization.

23 Naqada II 3500 – 3250 BCE. This period is one which witnessed much more contact between Egypt and Mesopotamian civilization evident in trade goods and art discovered in Egypt which demonstrate Mesopotamian influence or origin. Naqada II 3500 – 3250 BCE. This period is one which witnessed much more contact between Egypt and Mesopotamian civilization evident in trade goods and art discovered in Egypt which demonstrate Mesopotamian influence or origin. Egypt was trading gold, copper, and flint with the civilization of Mesopotamia by this time. Egypt was trading gold, copper, and flint with the civilization of Mesopotamia by this time.

24 It is believed that Egyptian hieroglyphic writing was created at this time because of the emerging contact with Mesopotamia it is believed that the Egyptians borrowed the idea of ‘writing’ from the Mesopotamians because prior to this contact there were no native attempts at writing. It is believed that Egyptian hieroglyphic writing was created at this time because of the emerging contact with Mesopotamia it is believed that the Egyptians borrowed the idea of ‘writing’ from the Mesopotamians because prior to this contact there were no native attempts at writing. Also archaeology has found many Mesopotamian cylinder seals in Egypt which they believe might have influenced the Egyptians to adopt the system of Hieroglyphs or pictographic writing. Also archaeology has found many Mesopotamian cylinder seals in Egypt which they believe might have influenced the Egyptians to adopt the system of Hieroglyphs or pictographic writing.

25 Naqada III 3250 – 3100 BCE saw the emergence of larger, powerful and more centralized city states in Egypt. Naqada III 3250 – 3100 BCE saw the emergence of larger, powerful and more centralized city states in Egypt. There was also an increase in trade between Egypt and Mesopotamia but we also begin to see trade contact between Egypt and the Levant or Syria Palestine. There was also an increase in trade between Egypt and Mesopotamia but we also begin to see trade contact between Egypt and the Levant or Syria Palestine.

26 It is believed that the first attempt by a ruler known as Scorpion to unify Upper and Lower Egypt into one kingdom was attempted at this time. It is believed that the first attempt by a ruler known as Scorpion to unify Upper and Lower Egypt into one kingdom was attempted at this time. The attempt at unification of Upper and Lower Egypt failed. Upper Egypt refers to the area closer to Nubia i.e. farther south of the Mediterranean while Lower Egypt is the area that borders the Mediterranean. The attempt at unification of Upper and Lower Egypt failed. Upper Egypt refers to the area closer to Nubia i.e. farther south of the Mediterranean while Lower Egypt is the area that borders the Mediterranean.

27 Dynasty I 3100 – 2900 BCE and Dynasty II 2900 – 2700BCE are best known for the first successful attempt to unite Upper and Lower Egypt into one kingdom accomplished by Menes during the First Dynasty period. Dynasty I 3100 – 2900 BCE and Dynasty II 2900 – 2700BCE are best known for the first successful attempt to unite Upper and Lower Egypt into one kingdom accomplished by Menes during the First Dynasty period. His heirs to the thrown for the major part of their reign ruled over a unified Egypt which enjoyed a degree of centralized control and relative calm. His heirs to the thrown for the major part of their reign ruled over a unified Egypt which enjoyed a degree of centralized control and relative calm. Scanty sources show that Egypt was already a unified kingdom with a well established hierarchical system, were the king was at the top, followed by the priest class, other government officials, artisans and lastly the peasants. Scanty sources show that Egypt was already a unified kingdom with a well established hierarchical system, were the king was at the top, followed by the priest class, other government officials, artisans and lastly the peasants.

28 Early period of Old Kingdom Egypt 2900 – 2500 BCE this is the period that the familiar Egypt of history begins to take shape. Early period of Old Kingdom Egypt 2900 – 2500 BCE this is the period that the familiar Egypt of history begins to take shape. This period witnessed an increase in Egyptian trade with its neighbors as well as military campaigns undertaken against Nubia to consolidate their power over the natural resources gold and precious stones found in this region. This period witnessed an increase in Egyptian trade with its neighbors as well as military campaigns undertaken against Nubia to consolidate their power over the natural resources gold and precious stones found in this region.

29 It is also the period that we begin to see Egyptian divergence in architecture from Mesopotamian influence to something that would become distinctly Egyptian. It is also the period that we begin to see Egyptian divergence in architecture from Mesopotamian influence to something that would become distinctly Egyptian. During the reign of Djoser in the Third Dynasty 2667 – 2648 BCE the first stepped pyramid was constructed an architectural feature that would eventually come to symbolize and be associated with the land of Egypt. During the reign of Djoser in the Third Dynasty 2667 – 2648 BCE the first stepped pyramid was constructed an architectural feature that would eventually come to symbolize and be associated with the land of Egypt.

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