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Pyramids on the Nile From the highlands of East africa to the mediterranean sea, the nile river flows nortward across africa for over 4,100 which is the.

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Presentation on theme: "Pyramids on the Nile From the highlands of East africa to the mediterranean sea, the nile river flows nortward across africa for over 4,100 which is the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pyramids on the Nile From the highlands of East africa to the mediterranean sea, the nile river flows nortward across africa for over 4,100 which is the longest river in the world. :

2  Environmental Challenges  Risks associated with the Nile:  When the floodwaters are a few feet lower than normal, the amount of fresh silt and water for crops is reduced- thousands starve  When the floodwaters are a few feet higher than normal, the unwanted water destroyed houses, granaries, and precious seeds for planting  Deserts on both sides of the Nile acted as natural barriers between Egypt and other lands- forced them to live on a very small portion of land and reduced interaction with other people environment

3  The villages of Egypt were under the rule of 2 separate kingdoms, lower egypt and upper egypt, eventually the 2 kindoms were united. There is conflict historical evidence over who united upper and lower egypt. Some evidence points to a king called Scorpion. More solid evidence points to a king named Narmer.  The king of lower egypt wore a red crown, and the king of upper egypt wore a tall white crown. Narmer created a double crown from the red and white crowns. It symbolized a united kingdom. He shrewdly settled his capital, Memphis, near the spot where upper and lower egypt met, and established the first egyptian dynasty.  To the egyptians, kings were gods. The egyptian god-kingcalled pharaohs were thought to be almost as splendid and powerful as the gods of the heavens. It was a goverment in which rule is based on religious authority.  Egyptians beleived that their king ruled even after his death. Since they thought this, their tombs were even more important than their palaces. For the kings of the old kindom, the resting place after death was an inmense structure called a pyramid. Power and authority

4  Egyptians beleived that their king ruled even after his death. Since they thought this, their tombs were even more important than their palaces. For the kings of the old kindom, the resting place after death was an inmense structure called a pyramid.

5  The egyptains were ploytheistics, believed in many gods. The most important ones: Re, the sun god, Osiris (god of death) godesses: Isis. They built huge temples to honor the major deities. They also beleived in afterlife, they thought they would be judged for their deeds when they died. Anubus (god) would weight each persons heart. To win eternal life, the heart could not be heavier than a feather, if it passed the test for purity and truth, they would life forever in the beautiful other world. Royal and elite egyptians bodies were prserved by mummification.  religion

6  Practical needs led to many egyptian inventions. For example, the egyptians developed a calendar to help them keep track of the time between floods and plan their planting season.  also, they developed a system of written numbers for counting, adding and subtracting. The system would have helped to asses and collect taxes.  Mathematical knownledge helped egypt skillful engineers and architecs make accurate measurments to construct their remarkable pyramids and places.  Egyptian medicine was also famus. The doctors knew how to check a persons heart rate by feeling for a pulse in diferent parts of the body. They also knew hot to set broken bones with splints and had effective treatments for wounds and fevers. They also used surgery to treat some conditions. Science and technology

7  As in Mesopotamia, the development of writing was one of the keys to the growth of Egyptian civilization.  The most flexible writing system was called “hieroglyphics”, this term come from the Greek words – hieros and gluph-, meaning –sacred carving-. Of course the Egyptians invented a better writing surface “papyrus” reeds.  The oficial language of Egypt is “Literary Arabic”. Theres other minority languages, but the one that is mostly used is the “coptic” that is only for Christian rituals, the other ones are extinct. Egyptian writing and Language

8  Narmer: was an ancient Egyptian king of the Early Dynastic Period.  Pharaoh: king of ancient egypt  Theocracy: goverment in which rule is based on religious authority  Pyramid: inmense structure for the kings resting place after death  Mummification: process to prevent bodies from decaying  Hieroglyphics: a flexible writing system used inancient egypt  Papyrus: a good writing surface, it was not stone or clay  Delta: A marshy region formed by deposits of silt at the mouth of a river vocabulary

9  3.How did being sorrounded by deserts benefit Egypt? - The desert shut out invaders for much of the early history, Egypt was spared the constant warfare that plagued the fertile crescent.  4. How did the Egyptians vie the pharaoh? -As their god-King.  5. Why did Egyptians mummify bodies? - So that the royal and elite bodies would not decay.  7. What impact did Egyptians religious beliefs have on the live of Egyptians? -They built temples to their gods and thanks to the after life belief.They created mommification,they alsobehaved better because of the test of Anubis. Assesment

10  8. How were cuneiform and hieroglyphic writing similar?different? - SimilarDifferent They both helped in The hieroglyphics was communication.words of the cune,form Egyptians veed them.were drawings. The eneiform was earlier Than the hieroglyphics.

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