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NC 73 Development Regulation Comparison January 19, 2006 NC 73 Council of Planning.

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1 NC 73 Development Regulation Comparison January 19, 2006 NC 73 Council of Planning

2 Curb Cut Width/ Radius Standards Local Govt.Specifications Cabarrus CountyDefer to DOT Lincoln CountyDefer to DOT Huntersville22’-48’ wide, 20’-30’ radius KannapolisDefer to DOT DavidsonDefer to DOT Mecklenburg Co.26’-60’ wide, 10’-60’ radius Concord20’-36’ wide, 5’-30’ radius Cornelius24’ wide, 20’ maximum radius

3 Right-In Right-Out Curb Cut Local Govt.Specifications Cabarrus County Defer to DOT Lincoln County Defer to DOT Huntersville Within 350’500’ of intersection, with median Kannapolis Defer to DOT Davidson Defer to DOT Mecklenburg Co. Within 150’ of intersection, with median Concord Defer to DOT Cornelius Within short distance of intersection (Defer to DOT)

4 Curb Cut Intervals Local Govt.Specifications Cabarrus County400’ minimum Lincoln CountyDefer to DOT HuntersvilleITE/ TRB/ DOT specs KannapolisDefer to DOT Davidson New streets > 300’ from existing intersections Mecklenburg Co.150’ RIRO, 400’ full movement ConcordDefer to DOT CorneliusDefer to DOT

5 Major Road Overlay Districts Local Govt.Specifications Cabarrus CountyThoroughfare Overlay Zone-shared access Lincoln CountyNC 16 Overlay & marginal access reqs. along roads >20% capacity HuntersvilleSubdivision code supports any approved transportation plan KannapolisCoddle Creek Overlay Davidson300’ new road intersection interval Mecklenburg Co.100’ ROW major thoroughfare, developer build to collector standard ConcordThoroughfare Plan Overlay CorneliusNone

6 ROW Preservation Local Govt.Specifications Cabarrus County Up to thoroughfare recommendation (commercial preserve, residential dedicate) Lincoln County Dedicated along CTP or STIP routes Huntersville Dedicated in rezoning, preserved in “by right” development Kannapolis ROW dedication by everyone Davidson Defer to DOT Mecklenburg Co. Dedicated in rezoning, preserved in “by right” development Concord Subdivisions Dedication per CDO requirements based on Thoroughfare Plan Cornelius Preserve 170’ along Westmoreland

7 Subdivision Road Hierarchy Local Govt.Specifications Cabarrus CountyCollector with median or 24’ asphalt Lincoln CountySite specific review HuntersvilleSite specific review, results in hierarchy KannapolisNone DavidsonNone Mecklenburg Co.36’ commercial or 32’ residential, with no residential access ConcordSite specific review, results in hierarchy Cornelius3 categories, multiple hierarchy w/in

8 Sidewalks Within Developments Local Govt.Specifications Cabarrus CountyOne or more DU/ac Lincoln CountyEncourage HuntersvilleBoth sides KannapolisBoth sides DavidsonBoth sides Mecklenburg Co.Both sides ConcordBoth sides CorneliusBoth sides

9 Sidewalks On Existing Streets Required Local Govt.Specifications Cabarrus County Connect to public facilities Lincoln CountyEncourage HuntersvilleYes KannapolisYes DavidsonYes Mecklenburg Co.Yes ConcordYes CorneliusYes

10 Traffic Impact Study Thresholds Local Govt.Specifications Cabarrus County2,000 VPD res., 3,000 comm. Lincoln County50+ lots Huntersville500 daily trips or 50 trips per peak hour Kannapolis1,000 trips per day DavidsonYes, per APFO Mecklenburg Co.All rezonings and 2,500 VPD ConcordYes Cornelius 100 or peak-hr trips, > 1,000 daily trips, or any other deemed necessary by Staff/NCDOT. All developments less, require a tech memo.

11 Turn Lane Requirements Local Govt.Specifications Cabarrus County If road ADT> 4,000, or if on NC/ US route Lincoln County Defer to NCDOT through TIS recommendation Huntersville 50 lots on thoroughfare Kannapolis Defer to DOT Davidson Defer to DOT Mecklenburg Co. DOT standards Concord Defer to DOT Cornelius Defer to DOT

12 Widen Road to Ideal Section Local Govt.Specifications Cabarrus County Rely on TIS Lincoln County Defer to DOT through TIS recommendation Huntersville 11’ travel lanes, add bike lanes Kannapolis Rely on DOT or TIS Davidson Yes, based upon TIS Mecklenburg Co. Local collectors “by right”, rezonings may do more Concord Defer to DOT Cornelius Per TIA requirements, Add bike lanes required

13 Intersection Clearance Local Govt.Specifications Cabarrus County125’ or maximum possible Lincoln CountyDefer to DOT HuntersvilleDefer to DOT Kannapolis60’-250’ DavidsonDefer to DOT Mecklenburg Co.20’ RIRO, 150’ full movement ConcordDefer to DOT CorneliusRely on Mecklenburg County/DOT

14 Building Setback Standards Local Govt.Specifications Cabarrus County 30’-75’ plus 50’ landscaping buffer for subdivision Lincoln County 30’ Huntersville Ultimate ROW, plus “build-to” line Kannapolis 10-30’ Davidson SF- 10’-25’, MF- 0’-25’, Commercial/ Industrial- 0’ Mecklenburg Co. 20’-30’ Concord 25’-50’ Cornelius 10’-25’

15 Bjorn’s Experience IssueSpecifications Curb cut width/ radius 20’- 40’ wide, 30’- 40’ radius Right-in Right-out Esp. where LH turn lane present at intersection Curb cut interval Dependant upon speed Major Road overlay Designated arterial roads ROW preservation Funded projects Turn lane requirements Dependant upon ADT, projected turning movts, and number of existing lanes Intersection clearance 250’ major road, 100’ minor road

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