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Jet Propagation and Mach Cones In (3+1)d Ideal Hydrodynamics Barbara Betz, Miklos Gyulassy, Dirk Rischke, Horst Stöcker and Giorgio Torrieri Quark Matter.

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Presentation on theme: "Jet Propagation and Mach Cones In (3+1)d Ideal Hydrodynamics Barbara Betz, Miklos Gyulassy, Dirk Rischke, Horst Stöcker and Giorgio Torrieri Quark Matter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jet Propagation and Mach Cones In (3+1)d Ideal Hydrodynamics Barbara Betz, Miklos Gyulassy, Dirk Rischke, Horst Stöcker and Giorgio Torrieri Quark Matter 2008, Jaipur, India

2 02 / 08 / 2008Barbara Betz Quark Matter 2008, Jaipur, India 2 Outline I.Motivation: Jets in heavy-ion collisions II.Jets in (3+1)d ideal hydrodynamics Different energy-momentum deposition models  Particle Correlation Pattern III.Conclusions & Outlook

3 02 / 08 / 2008Barbara Betz Quark Matter 2008, Jaipur, India 3 Jet Quenching & Medium Response Peaks reflect interaction of jet with medium Re-appearance of the away-side for low and intermediate p T assoc PHENIX arXiv:0705.3238 [nucl-ex] Au+Au / p+p = 200 GeV STAR, Nucl. Phys. A774, 129 (2006) 4 < p T trigger < 6 GeV/c 0.15 < p T assoc < 4 GeV/c STAR PRL 91 (2003) 072304 Jet suppression: signal for QGP 4 < p T trigger < 6 GeV/c p T assoc > 2 GeV/c

4 02 / 08 / 2008Barbara Betz Quark Matter 2008, Jaipur, India 4 Jets and Deposition Scenarios  Solve numerically (3+1)d ideal hydrodynamics:  Source term given by jet energy loss  Different models describing jet energy loss R. Baier et al., Nucl. Phys. B438, 291 (1997) M. Gyulassy et al., Nucl. Phys. B571, 197 (2000) J. Casalderrey-Solana et al., Nucl. Phys. A 774, 577 (2006), arXiv: 0705.1352 [hep-ph] H. Liu et al., PRL 97, 182301 (2006) A. Majumder et al., PRL 99, 192301 (2007) T. Renk et al., Phys. Rev. C75, 054910 (2007) G.-Y. Qin et al., Phys. Rev. C76, 064907 (2007)

5 02 / 08 / 2008Barbara Betz Quark Matter 2008, Jaipur, India 5 We use: a)Pure energy deposition b)Pure momentum deposition c)Energy and momentum deposition Deposition Scenarios in Hydro

6 02 / 08 / 2008Barbara Betz Quark Matter 2008, Jaipur, India 6 Energy-momentum deposition for Jets in (3+1)d Ideal Hydro Bag model EoS for QGP  Neglect near-side jet  Study jet evolution in a homogeneous, non– expanding background  Isochronous freeze-out at

7 02 / 08 / 2008Barbara Betz Quark Matter 2008, Jaipur, India 7 Pure Energy Deposition I Need high – p T cuts Otherwise thermal smearing washes out signal due to high background temperature

8 02 / 08 / 2008Barbara Betz Quark Matter 2008, Jaipur, India 8 Higher value for signal seen already for smaller p T Pure Energy Deposition II

9 02 / 08 / 2008Barbara Betz Quark Matter 2008, Jaipur, India 9 Pure Energy Deposition III Cone–like structure for small–p T cuts

10 02 / 08 / 2008Barbara Betz Quark Matter 2008, Jaipur, India 10 More pronounced: –higher or p T –consistent with J. C.-S. et al. Pure Energy Deposition IV Pure Energy Deposition –Mach cone pattern J. Casalderrey-Solana et al., Nucl. Phys. A 774, 577 (2006)

11 02 / 08 / 2008Barbara Betz Quark Matter 2008, Jaipur, India 11 Diffusion wake causes Disappearance of Mach cone–like pattern peak in forward direction Pure Momentum Deposition

12 02 / 08 / 2008Barbara Betz Quark Matter 2008, Jaipur, India 12 Energy & Momentum Deposition I

13 02 / 08 / 2008Barbara Betz Quark Matter 2008, Jaipur, India 13 Mach cone–like pattern for J. Casalderrey-Solana et al. Energy & Momentum Deposition II J. Casalderrey-Solana et al., Nucl. Phys. A 774, 577 (2006)

14 02 / 08 / 2008Barbara Betz Quark Matter 2008, Jaipur, India 14 Mach cone correlation pattern -appears only if otherwise: Diffusion wake kills the Mach cone – like pattern -is not visible for cuts similar to experiment if Conclusions & Outlook Further investigations: realistic energy – momentum deposition scenario expanding medium

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