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Statistics of pesticides and nutrients (fertilizers) in agricultural sector statistics of Turkmenistan Acting Head of agriculture statistics and analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Statistics of pesticides and nutrients (fertilizers) in agricultural sector statistics of Turkmenistan Acting Head of agriculture statistics and analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistics of pesticides and nutrients (fertilizers) in agricultural sector statistics of Turkmenistan Acting Head of agriculture statistics and analysis management Ovchaeva T. Montenegro, 2013

2 2. CONSUMPTION OF NUTRIENTS AND FERTILIZERS 2.1. Data sources. Data source on mineral fertilizers statistics is presented by administrative data of commercial farms on the basis of 2 monthly reports: - state statistics report – form №11-fertilizers “Report on released mineral fertilizers for agricultural crops” with month periodicity contains variables on standard and practical fertilization volumes (nitrogenous, phosphorous and potassic) both for main types of agricultural crops – wheat, cotton-plant, rice, sugar beet, and for other types of agricultural crops. Data are given by subdivisions of National concern “Turkmenkhimiya” as a supplier of mineral fertilizers and organization preforming agrochemical maintenance of agricultural sector.

3 State statistical reporting – form № 11 fertilizers “Report on released mineral fertilizers for agricultural crops” DÖWLET STATISTIKI HASABATY HASABAT “STATISTIKA HAKYNDA” TÜRKMENISTANYŇ KANUNYNYŇ 22-NJI MADDASYNYŇ 2-NJI BENDINE LAÝYKLYKDA TABŞYRYLÝAR Ilkinji statistiki maglumatlar ýaşyryndyr we olar jemleýji statistiki habarlary emele getirmek üçin peýdalanylýar. “Statistika hakynda” Türkmenistanyň Kanunynyň 23-nji maddasynyň 4-nji bendi Döwlet statistiki hasabatynyň döwlet statistika edaralaryna berilmändigi ýa-da öz möhletinde berilmändigi üçin «Administratiw hukuk tertibiniň bozulmalary hakynda» Türkmenistanyň Bitewi Kanunyň 167 4 -nji maddasynda bellenen tertipde jogapkärçilik çekilýär 0611295 OBA HOJALYK EKINLERINE GOÝBERILEN MINERAL DÖKÜN BARADA HASABAT 20___ ý. ýanwar - ______________ aýlary boýunça (ýylyň başyndan ösýän jem bilen) Türkmenistanyň Statistika baradaky döwlet komitetiniň 2012-nji ýylyň 29-njy awgustyndaky № 55 buýrugy bilen tassyklanyldy Aýlyk Tabşyrýarlar: “Türkmenhimiýa” Döwlet Konserniň ýerlerdäki bölümleri tarapyndan ideg edilýän möwsümiň 27-sine: а) ýerleşýän ýerindäki statistika edarasyna; b) özünden ýokardaky guramasyna. Hasabat tabşyrýan hojalyk subýektiniň ady________________________________________________________________________________ Poçta salgysy_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ (poçta indeksi, ýerleşýän ýeriniň ady, köçesi, jaý №, telefon, faks, Е-mail) HSUK boýunça kodHSUK boýunça şahamçanyň kody

4 State statistical reporting – form № 11 fertilizers “Report on released mineral fertilizers for agricultural crops” OBA HOJALYK EKINLERINE GOÝBERILEN MINERAL DÖKÜN tonna Daýhan bi rle şi kl eri, kö m ek çi ho jal yk lar, ed ar a gö rn üş li tar ap y dö re dý än hu su sy ho jal yk lar Se t i r i ň № Jemişol sanda: kada boýunça dökülmelisihakyky goýberileni gowaçagüýzlük bugdaý kada boýunça dökülmelisihakyky goýberilenikada boýunça dökülmelisihakyky goýberileni jemi (9+17 + 2 5 + 3 3 + 4 1 ) azot (10+ 1 8 + 2 6 + 3 4 + 4 2 ) fos f o r (1 1 + 1 9 + 2 7 + 3 5 + 4 3 ) kal i ý (12 + 2 0 + 2 8 + 3 6 + 4 4 ) jemi (13+ 2 1 + 2 9 + 3 7 + 4 5 ) azot (14+ 2 2 + 3 0 + 3 8 + 4 6 ) fosf o r (15+ 2 3 + 3 1 + 3 9 + 4 7 ) kaliý (16+2 4 + 3 2 + 4 0 + 4 8 ) jemi şol sanda: jemi şol sanda: je m i şol sanda: je m i şol sanda: az o t fo s f o r kaliý az o t fo s f o r kaliý az o t fo s f o r ka l i ý az o t fo s f o r ka l i ý AB123456789101112131415161718192021222324

5 State statistical reporting – form №3-OH “Report on agricultural works status” - state statistical report – form №3-сх “Report on agricultural works status” with month periodicity. In this report section V “Mineral and organic fertilization” contains variables on mineral and organic fertilization of main agricultural crops. Report contains information on mineral and organic fertilization in natural weight and in hectares by agricultural crops types. This report is presented by commercial farms – daikhan (peasant) associations and auxiliary enterprises of ministries and departments.

6 DÖWLET STATISTIKI HASABATY HASABAT “STATISTIKA HAKYNDA” TÜRKMENISTANYŇ KANUNYNYŇ 22-NJI MADDASYNYŇ 2-NJI BENDINE LAÝYKLYKDA TABŞYRYLÝAR Ilkinji statistiki maglumatlar ýaşyryndyr we olar jemleýji statistiki habarlary emele getirmek üçin peýdalanylýar. “Statistika hakynda” Türkmenistanyň Kanunynyň 23-nji maddasynyň 4-nji bendi Döwlet statistiki hasabatynyň döwlet statistika edaralaryna berilmändigi ýa-da öz möhletinde berilmändigi üçin «Administratiw hukuk tertibiniň bozulmalary hakynda» Türkmenistanyň Bitewi Kanunyň 167 4 -nji maddasynda bellenen tertipde jogapkärçilik çekilýär 0611295 Forma № 3-oh HRBNGU OBA HOJALYK IŞLERINIŇ ÝAGDAÝY BARADA HASABAT 20___ ý. ýanwar - ______________ aýlary boýunça (ýylyň başyndan ösýän jem bilen) Türkmenistanyň Statistika baradaky döwlet komitetiniň 2012-nji ýylyň 29-njy awgustyndaky № 55 buýrugy bilen tassyklanyldy Aýlyk Tabşyrýarlar: daýhan birleşikleri, edaralaryň we kärhanalaryň kömekçi hojalyklary we oba hojalyk önümlerini öndürýän beýleki kärhanalar hasabat aýyň 27-sine: а) ýerleşýän ýerindäki statistika edarasyna; b) özünden ýokardaky guramasyna. Hasabat tabşyrýan hojalyk subýektiniň ady________________________________________________________________________________ Poçta salgysy_______________________________________________________________________________________________________ (poçta indeksi, ýerleşýän ýeriniň ady, köçesi, jaý №, telefon, faks, Е-mail) HSUK boýunça kodHSUK boýunça şahamçanyň kody State statistical reporting – form №3-OH “Report on agricultural works status”

7 SECTION 5. FERTILIZERS 5.1. Mineral and organic fertilization Variables description №Volume, tonHectares AB12 Organic fertilizers used1 Mineral fertilizers used 2 including: fertilizers for cereal crops3 among them: for wheat4 including: during reporting year was used for wheat5 cotton6 vegetables7 gourds8 other crops9

8 2.2. Process of data collection All information stated above comes to local statistical agencies at district level, then it is generalized and handled to velayats where it is analysed, balanced and transferred to the Central government statistics authority - Turkmenstat. Information on produced and supplied mineral fertilizers from volumes in physical calculation is transferred in terms of 100% of active materials. For this purpose transfer coefficients for ammonium nitrate with nitrogen content 34.4% - 2.907 and for carbamide with nitrogen content 46.2% - 2,164 are used.

9 2.3. In what way data are collected? Information on mineral fertilizers import is collected on the basis of customs cargo declarations at Public customs service of Turkmenstat. There several production plants for mineral fertilizers in Turkmenistan. Information of domestic production of mineral fertilizers in physical calculation and in terms of 100% of nutrients is collected from monthly form К-1 “Report on production and dispatch of goods, works and services” from production plants for mineral fertilizers. Besides collection of information on mineral fertilizers production is performed on the basis of annual statistical reporting of form 1-П “Report of the enterprise (association) on industrial production”. Information on mineral fertilizers export is collected on the basis of customs cargo declarations at Public customs service of Turkmenstat.

10 2.4. What methods are used for data collection and production? Data collection is performed on the basis of producing enterprises reports, upon that universal enumeration approach is used. 2.5. Is there any collection of data on animal manure application? In Turkmenistan collection of data on organic fertilization is performed on the basis of monthly state statistics reporting – form №3-сх “Report on agricultural works status”, presented by commercial farms preforming fertilization.

11 3. INFORMATION DISTRIBUTION 3.1. Information distribution. Our official Internet website (, where you can find all necessary data on production and application of mineral fertilizers. This information is published in Statistical abstract of Turkmenistan as well as in sectoral statistical books “Statistics of Turkmenistan agriculture” and “Statistics of Turkmenistan industry”

12 2. Regulatory and legal framework Regulatory and legal framework for distribution and application of pesticides and mineral fertilizers Collection, processing and application of statistical information are regulated by the “Law on statistics” accepted on 31 March 2012 and by the “Regulation on Turkmenistan State committee of statistics” accepted on 25 April 2013.

13 3. Data quality assurance and control methods All-round information verification with other data sources is performed. Information on export and import of mineral fertilizers is verified with Public customs service, information on production and release of mineral fertilizers is verified with National concern “Turkmenkhimiya”, information on mineral fertilization is verified with the Department of Agriculture of Turkmenistan.

14 4. Main issues and difficulties In statistics of Turkmenistan agricultural sector there are no difficulties with collection and processing of information as such. Dynamics of mineral fertilizers production is being observed since 1991 and earlier, dynamics of mineral fertilizers application – since 1998. As for data coverage – in 2013 it is planned to revise state statistical reporting due to implementation of standard industrial classification of economic activities version REV 2 (CPA- 2008), for which reason it is also planned to add to statistical reporting some variables related to volumes of pesticides application including those in conformity with EC norms, i.e. for each agricultural crop, each applied active material and cultivated area. There also will be implementation of statistical reporting form presented by commercial farms, variables of application of mineral fertilizers in the weight of pure active material for main types of agricultural crops. It will allow to give more large-scale evaluation of interrelation in correlation of various nutrients (N: P: K) against economic effectiveness. Development of state statistics in the sphere of comparison with department statistics variables performed by the Department of Agriculture, Ministry of water management and Ministry of preservation of nature is also progressive. There are no systematic discrepancies in units of measurement and methods of data evaluation in Turkmenistan, ditto in terminology and metadata. Recently in Turkmenistan great attention is paid to agroecology. As it was said above, focal area for development of agricultural sector statistics is expansion of variables related to agroecology as well as implementation of Global strategy for improvement of statistics of agricultural sector and rural area.

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