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SOFTWARE IB ITGS. Application Software Word Processing: Using a computer to create, edit, and print documents. (insert text, delete text, copy, cut, paste,

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2 Application Software Word Processing: Using a computer to create, edit, and print documents. (insert text, delete text, copy, cut, paste, print) Desktop Publishing: Using a PC or workstation to produce high-quality printed documents. Presentations: Using stylized images and slides shows to present information. (PowerPoint presentation) Photo and Video Editing: Using a PC to modify pictures and videos. (Picasa, iMovie) Music and Sound Development: Using a PC to fix sounds and produce music. (Garage Band) Website Development: Using a PC to create and edit a website. (Dream Weaver)

3 Operating Systems Software, consisting of programs and data, that runs on computers and manages the computer hardware and provides common services for efficient execution of various application software. (Apple Inc., IBM, Amiga) Utilities Software designed to help analyze, configure, optimize and maintain the computer. (Computer hardware, operating system, data storage) System Software

4 Interfaces Graphical user interface (GUI): Takes advantage of the computer’s graphics capabilities to make the program easier to use. (pointing device, icons) Command line interface (CLI): interacting with a computer by typing commands to perform certain tasks. (Python, LISP) Menu-driven interface (MDI): navigating by choosing options from a list, or menu. (ATM) Voice interface: interacting with a computer through direct speech. (Voice command on BB)

5 Licensing Shareware: Software distributed on the basis of an honor system in which files are shared. (limewire, frostwire) Public Domain: Program that is not copyrighted. It is free and has no restrictions. (WebLab, WikiLeaks) Freeware: Copyrighted software, given away for free by the author. (games, graphics) Proprietary: Privately owned and controlled software. (Military base software) Open Source Software: Software with a secure code obtained by the public. (Netflix)

6 Licensing Authorities Business Software Alliance (BSA): A trade group representing a number of the world’s largest software makers. Commercial and custom-built (bespoke) software: Item custom made to the buyer’s specifications. Registration: maintains international codes and issues new ones as well. Serial Number: a unique number used for identification of a certain item Warranty: assurance that certain things are true. Copyright agreement: granted agreement that one owns a certain thing. Web-based software: online software.

7 User Support Manuals: instructions Assistants: helpers Tutorials: ‘How-to’s Help Systems: Systems that help if any problems are faced “Read Me” Files: Files that help in performing a certain task or knowing certain facts Templates: Outlines one can use or follow for certain things Wizards: Guide one through a program when its new

8 File Formats RTFRich Text Format TXTText PDFPortable Document Format XLSExcel Spreadsheet SWFSmall Web Format ZIPZipped File JPG/JPEGJoint Photographic Experts Group bitmap PNGPortable Network Graphics bitmap CSVComma-separated values HTM/HTMLHypertext markup language


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