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Peak Performance / Presentation. Peak Performance COMMITMENT Comes from within, It does not matter if it is An athlete, A coach, or the National Sport.

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Presentation on theme: "Peak Performance / Presentation. Peak Performance COMMITMENT Comes from within, It does not matter if it is An athlete, A coach, or the National Sport."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peak Performance / Presentation

2 Peak Performance COMMITMENT Comes from within, It does not matter if it is An athlete, A coach, or the National Sport Federation. “It has to be given.” Performance: is a combination of two elements; “Results” & “Commitment” There can’t be one without the other.

3 Commitment Making your mark on the world is hard. If it were easy, everybody would be doing it. But it's not. It takes patience, it takes commitment, and it comes with plenty of failure along the way. The real test is not whether you avoid this failure, because you won't. It is whether you let it harden or shame you into no action, or whether you learn from it! There are only two options regarding commitment. You're either in or out. There's no such thing as a life in-between. ~Pat Riley Individual commitment in a group effort -- that is what makes a team work!

4 Results How do to obtain a Result:  Committing to accept who you are as a bowler  Committing to analyse your game  Committing to recognize your strengths  Committing to recognize your weaknesses  Commit to practice to minimize your weaknesses  Committing to serious preparation A result is the final outcome of a set of actions or events.

5 Peak Performance has “3” Environments “CLARITY” “CONFIDENCE” “REGONIGITION” Every conversation we have as a TEAM or in person, is an opportunity To be CLEAR Increase our CONFIDENCE & Provide RECONIGIZION

6 CLARITY: Two way Communication…continually talking about what a good performance looks like. (Talk about Ball Reaction, Spare shots, Strike Lines, Ball Selection, & Transitions) The goal within two way communication is to Increase our level of commitment so we all know as a team what we are working towards. CONFIDENCE: We are always more confident playing the area of the lane where we are the most comfortable because we know we are capable of doing it. Individual Confidence increases as a result of breaking down barriers and trying new concepts… RECONIGITION : We all do our best when we know it matters. Peak Performance Environments

7 Consulting: Asking really effective QUESTIONS & LISTENING. Teaching & Mentoring: Is the core of really good confident FEEDBACK. Confronting: Handling the resistance when asked to make a CHANGE. COMMUNICATION Is the NUMBER “1” SKILL Required in TEAMS to obtain Peak Performances. Communication Stages

8 What YOU BELIEVE will influence others. YOU need to be AWARE of what you are; Feeling Thinking Experiencing Because it will impact YOUR ability to obtain “ PEAK PERFORMANCE.” Self Awareness




12 Michael Schmidt 2005 QubicaAMF World Cup Champion Caroline Lagrange 2009 QubicaAMF World Cup Champion Isabelle Rioux PABCON Singles Champion Commonwealth Championships Mark Buffa, Joe Ciach, Julie Johnson-Loyer, Jo Ann Sanesac

13 “Controlled Emotional Communication” … both on and off the lanes. Thought Awareness (be aware what’s happening in your head) Rational Thinking (be aware of negative thoughts) Positive Thinking (be aware of postive affirmations needed for confidence) “It's about more than just pins and lane conditions, it’s about helping each other out.” Being Supportive Positive Attitude Two Way Communication Energy Management Repsecting Uniqness Total Commiment Trust Flexibility Responsible “TEAMS PERFORM BEST WHEN THE CHEMISTRY IS GOOD” “THERE IS A DELICATE RELATIONSHIP ON A TEAM”… Some handle it better than others!

14 TEAM CANADA A Step Above "Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is wise. Dream more than others think is practical. Expect more than others think is possible"

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