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Published byPatricia Haynes Modified over 9 years ago
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 1 Readiness of Commissioning Procedures Personnel & Hardware David Schultz LCLS e - -beams Systems Manager Injector Accelerator Readiness Review 10/31/06
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 2 Outline 1.Design requirements and revision controlDesign requirements and revision control 2.Engineering design and safety approval processEngineering design and safety approval process 3.Beam Power, Losses, and MCBBeam Power, Losses, and MCB 4.Personnel Protection, Beam Containment, and Laser Safety SystemsPersonnel Protection, Beam Containment, and Laser Safety Systems 5.The Safety Assessment DocumentThe Safety Assessment Document 6.Commissioning ReadinessCommissioning Readiness 7.Accelerator Operations personnel and proceduresAccelerator Operations personnel and procedures 8.Maintenance personnel and proceduresMaintenance personnel and procedures
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 3 1. Design requirements and revision control The LCLS process: 1)Physics Requirements Documents are written by the physics group. These give the specs the engineers need to meet. 2)Engineering Specification Documents are written by the engineering team detailing how the specs are to be met. Steps 1) and 2) may be iterated, depending on how impossible a task the physicists have asked for. In some cases (eg. diagnostics) the PRD and the ESD are merged. PRDs and ESDs are revision control documents. Interface Control Documents define requirements between systems (eg. Injector and Conventional Facilities, ICD 1.1-502)
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 4
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 5 2. Engineering design and safety approval process LCLS is conforming to the normal SLAC process: 1.The design of the Injector and Linac systems was presented to the SLAC Safety Overview Committee. The SOC determines which of the SLAC Safety Committees (Citizen’s Committees) need to review a project. Because of the scope of the LCLS Injector and Linac, all Citizen’s Committees were involved. See Eric Bong’s talk in the breakout
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 6 SOC Signoff By Committee chairs or Safety Officers May include stipulation to hold additional review or inspection of installed equipment prior to operation
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 7 SLAC Citizen’s Safety Committees As Low as Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) Committee Earthquake Safety Committee Electrical Safety Committee Environmental Safety Committee Fire Protection Safety Committee Hazardous Experimental Equipment Safety Committee Hoisting and Rigging Safety Committee Laser Safety Committee Nonionizing Radiation Safety Committee Radiation Safety Committee
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 8 2.The design of the technical systems proceeds, following the PRDs and ESDs, and CDRs, PDRs and FDRs are held within the LCLS project. Systems which have a significant safety component have on their Design Review Committees a member of the appropriate Citizen’s Committee. Technically knowledgeable reviewers. Brings safety concerns to the design early in the process. Brings experience with the design to the Citizen’s Committee. Example: Vacuum electronics system.
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 9 Engineering design and safety approval process 3.When the design of the technical systems is complete, it is presented to the appropriate Citizen’s Committee, or approved by the appropriate SLAC Safety Officer. Some magnet stands were approved by the Earthquake Safety Officer without going to the full committee, other structures required full approval. Approval of the system by the committee is recorded in the minutes committee’s meeting.
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 10 Engineering design and safety approval process 4.After installation the SLAC Safety Officer(s) may require inspections. This is the final step for Laser Safety. For Radiation Safety, certification of the Personnel Protection System and Beam Containment System, and inspection of shielding are required before beam operations can begin, and are specified in the Beam Authorization Sheet (BAS). Preliminary beam measurements and calibration of BCS components are also specified in the BAS, and are conducted shortly following the establishment of beam.
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 11 3. Beam Power, Losses, and MCB Shielding needs are analyzed for Normal operations Mis-steering conditions Maximum Credible Incident Beam losses are calculated by the responsible accelerator physicist and given to Radiation Physics for shielding analysis. Shielding is specified, and designed. Results are approved by the RSC See Stan Mao’s talk in the breakout PRD 1.1-011-r3, Electron Beam Loss in the LCLS, D. Dowell / P. Emma / J. WelchElectron Beam Loss in the LCLS
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 12 The Accelerator Safety Envelope Nominal operating conditions: At TD11: 120 nA at 250 MeV30 W At the end of SLAC Linac: 120 nA at 14.1 GeV1.7 kW Maximum beam power for operations:5 kW Maximum credible LCLS beam power: At TD11: 6 μA at 250 MeV (max)1.5 kW At the end of SLAC Linac: 6 μA at 16 GeV (average)100 kW EnvelopeBeam Power LCLS Safety Envelope100 kW LCLS Operation Envelope5 kW LCLS Nominal Operating Power1.7 kW
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 13 Nominal Beam Power Along Injector Gun: 6 MeV, 0.7 W TD11: 250 MeV, 30 W 135 MeV, 16 W SDMP: 135 MeV, 16 W 250 MeV, 30 W
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 14 Dark current energy sources and power estimates for the LCLS injector at 120 Hz 3-nC initial gun dark current based on worst-case GTF operations
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 15 Estimated average beam power loss and location along the LCLS in nominal and special tune-up conditions. Power levels set in bold type occur in normal operating conditions. Non-bold entries are special configurations as described in the “note” column. Table Notes: aa. This loss occurs only when this Faraday cup is inserted (6 MeV, 120 Hz). a. This loss occurs only with beam on the gun spectrometer (6 MeV, 120 Hz). b. This loss occurs only with beam on the injector spectrometer (135 MeV, 120 Hz). c. This is a normal loss due primarily to dark current from gun and injector. d. This loss occurs only with beam on this tune-up dump (120 Hz). Nominal and Tune-up Beam Losses from Gun through BC1 ending at TD11
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 16 Maximum Credible Beam The source in a RF Photocathode Gun is Explosive Electron Emission Explosive electron emission occurs from the photocathode if the drive laser intensity exceeds the threshold for plasma production. This emission persists until it has depleted the gun of all its stored energy. Beam transmission and losses were calculated based on energy spread and beamline component apertures.
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 17 Summary of Maximum Credible Beam Power along the Injector and into the Linac LCLS PRD 1.1-001 at:
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 18 Maximum Credible LCLS Beam at the end of the Linac To transport this beam to the BSY: Assume no Linac losses due to mis-focusing of quads All 17 GeV of klystrons are on, beams run at pulse crest Beamloading by 0.16 A of ‘macro-pulse’ beam current (6 µA average current), resulting in an average 16 GeV of energy gain 100 kW Maximum Credible LCLS Beam LCLS 100 kW MCB is less than Linac 2 MW MCB, and even less than the ~600kW actually delivered to E158
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 19 4. Personnel Protection, Beam Containment, and Laser Safety Systems The Personnel Protection System limits access to beamline areas when hazards are present, and interlocks those hazards (beam, RF, hazardous magnet power) when access is allowed. The Beam Containment System contains interlocks which trip when the beam is out of specified bounds. Toroids limit beam current, collimators limit beam trajectory, ion chambers limit losses, burn-through monitors assure the integrity of stoppers and dumps Ensures that the conditions under which shielding calculations were made, are held.
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 20 Personnel Protection and Beam Containment Systems The Programmable Logic Controller based Personnel Protection System is new to SLAC. Hardware installation is underway. The review process with the SLAC Radiation Safety Committee: PLC system design was conditionally approved (for the Injector). The Committee wants to see the certification procedure. Beam loss and shielding designs were approved. Beam Containment System was approved 10/19. See Mike Saleski’s talk in the breakout
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 21 PPS & BCS Coming Up PPS certification Linac – Nov. 3, 2006 Injector – Dec. 18, 2006 BCS system device calibration A part of beam checkout, specified in the Beam Authorization Sheet (BAS) Occurs as the beam reaches that area of the beamline. See William White’s talk in the breakout
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 22 Laser Safety Milestones SOP PDR Dec 16, 2005 SOC Review Feb 22, 2006 Thales ESC May 15, 2006 SOP FDR March 6 2006 LSC Temp SOP May 9, 2006 SOC Approved July 14 LCLS Work Auth. July 19, 2006 LSC Final SOP October 10, 2006
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 23 Laser Safety Coming Up LSS Hardware installation complete and certified Oct 27, 2006 LSO Walkthrough Oct. 30, 2006 Operation under Final SOP Oct 30, 2006 Vault Laser Wall complete Nov 17 Vault LSS Complete and Certified Nov 24, 2006 See William White’s talk in the breakout
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 24 5. The Safety Assessment Document The SAD covers the commissioning of the LCLS Injector Linac in the upcoming year. It has been reviewed, comments incorporated, and is in the Director’s office for signature. SLAC Linac programs (PEP2, ESA) are covered under the Linear Accelerator Facility Safety Assessment Document. These SADs will merge next year, and will include the operation of the entire LCLS.
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 25 6. Commissioning Readiness Turn-on Procedures Commissioning Parameters Schedule Personnel Commissioning Readiness Review See Paul Emma’s talk in the breakout
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 26 LCLS Injector Turn-On Procedures The installation of Injector systems is proceeding rapidly, including installation of equipment racks, AC power to those racks, equipment in the racks and cable plant from the racks to beam-line components. These systems need to be energized for checkout in a controlled manner to ensure that turn-on upstream does not expose a hazard downstream. The systems will be locked off administratively, and those locks will be removed in sequence after reviewed procedures are followed to the satisfaction of the administrator. The procedures are under development.
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 27 ParameterValueComments RF rate30 Hz 30 Hz in linac - 120 Hz in gun hot test gun Beam rate≤30 Hz 10 Hz e beam as baseline – possible short term 30- Hz tests (difficult beyond 30 Hz due to laser rate) Drive-laser rate30 Hz 120-Hz during laser commissioning – 30 Hz during e commissioning - shutters provide lower e rate Bunch charge200-500 pC depends on QE and diagnostics – some short spans at 10 pC – later in ’07 explore 1-nC LCLS Injector Commissioning Parameters Operation plan, rep. rate and charge reduced.
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 28 pass-1 pass-1 pass-2 pass-2 pass-3 pass-3 (detailed schedule available) Tasks include rad. phys. measurements
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 29 Personnel Available for LCLS Injector/BC1 Commissioning Shift Leaders (initially) (1 per D/S shift) 1.Dave Dowell 2.Paul Emma 3.Jim Turner 4.Bill White (laser) 5.Joe Frisch 6.Cecile Limborg Operations (1 per DAY & SWING shift and 2 per OWL) LCLS Physicists (1 per D/S shift) 1.Sasha Gilevich 2.Henrik Loos 3.Heinz-Dieter Nuhn 4.John Schmerge 5.Dave Schultz 6.Jim Welch 7.Juhao Wu Controls eng. (1 per DAY shift) 1.Stephanie Allison 2.Mike Zelazney 3.Debbie Rogind 4.Diane Fairley 5.Stephen Norem 6.Arturo Alarcon 7.Doug Murray 8.Sergei Chevtsov 9.Dayle Kotturi 10.Patrick Krejcik 11.Kristi Luchini 12.Sheng Peng 13.Stephen Schuh 14.Till Straumann Sys. Engineers (1 per DAY shift) 1.Eric Bong 2.Carl Rago 3.Leif Eriksson 4.Richard F. Boyce 5.Jose Chan 6.Tim Montagne 7.Paul Bellomo 8.Antonio de Lira 9.Dave MacNair 10.Ron Akre Accelerator, ILC, SSRL 1.Franz-Josef Decker 2.Rick Iverson 3.Doug McCormick 4.Jeff Corbett 5.James Safranek... Laser Operators (4-5 in all) Shift-takers will be familiar with Accelerator Division Operations Directives.
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 30 Commissioning Readiness Review
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 31 Commissioning Readiness Review Findings: The Committee has high confidence in the capabilities of the LCLS injector commissioning team and their plans. The design of components and systems, physics studies of expected performance of diagnostics under a variety of conditions, preparedness of controls systems functionality, assembly of team members and distribution of their expertise, and planning for commissioning activities are well thought through. The main area of concern for the Committee is that the schedule for installation of components … may impact the ability to complete commissioning plans in the timeframe presented.
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 32 7. Accelerator Operations personnel and procedures LCLS Commissioning will be done with SLAC Accelerator Dept. Operators following existing SLAC Accelerator Operations procedures. The Operators are trained and experienced, and the LCLS Injector will not require special training. Will need training for searching the LCLS Injector The procedures are being modified, as appropriate, to account for changes and additions from the LCLS Injector. Eg. The PPS zone search procedure needs to include the procedure for searching the LCLS Injector. See Mike Stanek’s talk in the breakout
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 33 8. Maintenance personnel and procedures Maintenance of the LCLS Injector will follow established SLAC Linac practice. Training, maintenance and documentation is well practiced. LCLS Engineers will be on call to address specific cases. Installation is being done with the maintenance departments involved. eg. Magnet power (racks, controls, supplies, interlocks, cables, database) is being specified and installed in close association with SLAC Power Conversion Dept. Maintenance equipment (eg. vacuum roughing pumps) are being specified with the maintenance departments. See Paul Bellomo’s talk in the breakout
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 34 ARR planning: May 2006 In progress
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 35 Summary LCLS has integrated safety in the design of the Project Equipment has been designed with appropriate safety controls are in place. Well integrated with SLAC safety management organizations. Beam conditions, losses, and shielding are well understood and reviewed. Documentation and procedures to permit safe operation are understood and in preparation. Good planning and preparation for commissioning. Personnel are trained for safe operation and maintenance.
Injector Accelerator Readiness Review, 10/31/06 D. Schultz 36 end
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