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Financial incentives to facilitate enforcement Véronique Schmit Enforcement of European Animal Welfare Related Legislation – 12 &13 June 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Financial incentives to facilitate enforcement Véronique Schmit Enforcement of European Animal Welfare Related Legislation – 12 &13 June 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Financial incentives to facilitate enforcement Véronique Schmit Enforcement of European Animal Welfare Related Legislation – 12 &13 June 2012

2 The Common Agricultural Policy 2 types of subsidies Direct payments: to compensate farmers for low income; 100% EU funds Rural development support: to help farmers engage in specific activities; co-funded – generally 50% EU & 50 % national funds

3 Incentives for enforcement under direct payments 2 mechanisms: Cross-compliance: - For all direct support - For specific RD support: agri-environment, animal welfare payment Special support under Article 68: - for enhanced animal welfare

4 Cross-compliance Respect of 3 animal welfare directives as a condition to receive CAP subsidies: - General farm directive - Pigs Directive - Calves Directive Subsidies can be retained/reduced Negligence; minor non-compliance

5 Cross-compliance: reductions in case of negligence Non-compliance resulting from the negligence of the farmer: reduction of 3 % of the total amount – but paying agency can decide it to be 1%, 5% or 0% Farmers must remedy to the situation within a given deadline set by the Competent authority. At the latest by end of following year. If repeated non-compliance due to negligence, then reduction must be applied

6 Cross-compliance inspection results UK (England) Welfare of calves: 17 failures found in 2011 Ex: insufficient or no bedding Welfare of pigs: 15 failures found in 2011 Ex: No permanent access to clean drinking water; No clean, comfortable lying area General farm animal welfare: 120 failures found in 2011 Ex: sick animals did not receive adequate care; inappropriate feeding; staff with no proper skills

7 Incentives for enforcement under rural development Axis 1 measures: Meeting standards Modernisation of agricultural holdings Vocational training Participation in food quality schemes Use of advisory services Axis 2: Animal welfare payments

8 Additional incentives: State aid At national level Approved by the European Commission Following the rules of rural development support Ex: Laying hens: France, Bulgaria Sow stalls: France Conditions: Max 40% of investment cost Period of grace of 36 months may be provided

9 CAP reform proposals Cross-compliance: status-quo and exemption for small farmers scheme Rural development: no measure “Meeting standards”; animal welfare payments not compulsory Investments under RD do not cover adaptation to meet standards

10 Eurogroup demands Cross-compliance : –Requirements to include all animal welfare directives: laying hens, meat chickens –No exemption for small farmers scheme –Data obtained from the application of cross-compliance to be used to improve enforcement Rural development: –animal welfare payments to be compulsory –All measures to be used to improve animal welfare and thus enforcement with current rules

11 Thank you For more information: Financial incentives to facilitate enforcement Enforcement of European Animal Welfare Related Legislation – 12 &13 June 2012

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