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Bread Baking. 2 Basic dough's  Lean Dough  Flour  Yeast  Water  salt  Enriched Dough  Flour  Yeast  Water  Salt  Other enriching ingredients.

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Presentation on theme: "Bread Baking. 2 Basic dough's  Lean Dough  Flour  Yeast  Water  salt  Enriched Dough  Flour  Yeast  Water  Salt  Other enriching ingredients."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bread Baking

2 2 Basic dough's  Lean Dough  Flour  Yeast  Water  salt  Enriched Dough  Flour  Yeast  Water  Salt  Other enriching ingredients – Eggs,milk,sugars

3 10 stages to bread making  Scaling  Kneading (gluten development)  Bulk fermentation  Punch back  portioning  Rounding portions  Shaping portions  Proofing  Baking  Cooling  storing

4 Scaling  It is critical to ensure that all ingredients are in their proper percentages  Weight is the best method for this  Volume may be required for certain items

5 Kneading (Mixing)  Four stage of mixing are – Pick up period – Clean up period – Initial development period – Final development period  Stages of Gluten development – Short development – Partial development – Proper development – Intense development

6 Importance of proper mixing  Optimum absorption  Proper gluten development  Slightly shorter fermentation time

7 Bulk fermentation  This is our first leavening (proofing)  Yeast is eating and exhaling co2  Gass is caught by strands of gluten, gluten is stretched  Also known as bench rest

8 Punch back  Removes air pockets  Allows proper shaping  Give our product proper structure

9 Portioning  Scale proper amount of dough for desired product  Even proofing and baking times

10 Rounding portions  To give a smooth skin to each piece to allow proper proofing

11 Shaping portions  Final shaping of baked goods  Uniformity is critical for even baking times

12 Proofing  Final fermentation  product will take on final shape

13 Baking  Product will continue to rise  Until it reaches 138º yeast dies – Oven spring  Bake until done flour products are done at an internal temp of 200º – Crust should be brown

14 The baking process  Gasses form  Gasses are trapped  Starches gelatinize  Proteins coagulate  Fats melt  Water evaporates  Sugars carmelize  Carry over baking  staling

15 Cooling  Cool on racks so bottom will cool evenly with top and sides  Cool completely  Do not allow condensation when wrapped

16 Storing  Store properly  Do not refrigerate most baked goods they will stale faster  Can freeze if wrapped properly

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