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If you think you’re too small to have an impact, try going to sleep with a mosquito African proverb GERASIMOS KOUVARAS.

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Presentation on theme: "If you think you’re too small to have an impact, try going to sleep with a mosquito African proverb GERASIMOS KOUVARAS."— Presentation transcript:

1 If you think you’re too small to have an impact, try going to sleep with a mosquito African proverb GERASIMOS KOUVARAS

2 What is advocacy? Advocacy is a process aiming at bringing change in the policies, practices and attitudes of individuals, influential people, institutions and groups. Through advocacy we put a problem on the political agenda, providing a solution to that problem, and building support for applying the solution in order to change the situation. It is about achieving specific outcomes - a measurable change in policies and practices. GERASIMOS KOUVARAS


4 Unpacking power GERASIMOS KOUVARAS

5 Power over Power to Power with Power within Expressions of power GERASIMOS KOUVARAS

6 LEVELS Global National Local SPACES Closed Invited Claimed/ created FACES Invisible Hidden Visible Dimensions of power THE POWERCUBE FRAMEWORK GERASIMOS KOUVARAS







13 Why thinking power in advocacy? GERASIMOS KOUVARAS

14 Minister of Education Public consultation process Coalition of NGOs MoE’s educational advisors & experts Drafting team or person Highly influential member or individual within the NGO coalition Philosophy and values of the national educational system Level of commitment or trust to participatory decision-making Level of conceptual clarity and consensus on what DE is Example: Advocacy strategy to develop a national DE strategy

15 ISSUE: National Development Education Strategy

16 Global thematic consultations Beyond 2015 campaign Corporate sector pushing for market-led solutions Leading agencies or highly influential individuals imposing their positions Dominant ideology (i.e. neoliberalism) Illiteracy and limited access to internet-based participatory processes of poor and excluded United Nations General Assembly Powerful Member States Tokenistic approach to consultation from decision-makers Example: Influencing post-2015 agenda

17 ISSUE: Influencing post-2015 agenda

18 Developing an advocacy strategy GERASIMOS KOUVARAS

19 Research Legitimacy Networking Capacity building Assess risks Monitoring & Evaluation Define the issue Set an advocacy goal Design a policy map Set advocacy objectives Develop key messages Choose tactics Develop and implement action plan

20 What is your problem?

21 People living in slums do not have access to affordable and safe water supplies No water supply infrastructure in the slums Water is being sold in jerry cans through an unregulated informal private sector Municipalities do not have enough budget to provide water services Citizens are not empowered and organised to claim their right Government does not give priority to the issue Government does not regulate the private sector Political corruption People suffer from serious diseases Increase of child mortality Serious social and economic cost PROBLEM TREE Consequences PROBLEM Immediate causes Underlying causes Root causes

22 Absence of GE in the school practice Teachers do not follow it although in curriculum Teachers not familiar with it (lack of knowledge) Poor pedagogical background Pedagogical & Other schools do not promote respective content and methodology Lack of tradition/culture De-politicized school system (neutral values) Teachers are not high performing Lack of motivation No incentives, no direction on how to make use of GE Low social status Low public image Poor M&E system for teachers Educational system put restrictions No interdisciplinary approach/ No clear direction on GE from MoE actors Informal education weak n GE –not connected with curriculum Marginalisation of CSOs No long tradition – Low public image The outcome of problem tree analysis during an Advocacy workshop on Global Education (SLOGA platform, Slovenia 2013/ Gerasimos Kouvaras)

23 Set your advocacy goal

24 Achieve access to affordable and safe water supplies for all people in slums Provide the slums with the appropriate infrastructure Stop informal selling of water by private sector Municipalities include the investment needed in their budget request Citizens are empowered and organised to claim their right through enabling environment for citizens participation Government includes provision of water and sanitation services in slums in policy priorities Government adopts a regulatory framework for private sector Strong political will, policy measures against poiltical corruption SOLUTION TREE

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