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Miami Lakes K-8 Center Mrs. DiDonna 5 th Grade Math.

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2 Miami Lakes K-8 Center Mrs. DiDonna 5 th Grade Math

3 Mrs. DiDonna’s Contact Information  My Class Website:  My email address:  MLK-8 Center phone number: 305-822-7757

4 Email Information Email is a wonderful way to communicate with me. I will respond to emails within 24-48 hours. Please understand that I try to check emails first thing in the morning and again at the end of the day. However, if I have a conference or need to handle other situations in the morning or afternoon I may not get to read my emails until later that day. If you have an urgent message, please contact the office at (305)822-7757 and they will get the message to my classroom. When I am teaching I give my full attention to the students and do not check my emails throughout the day.

5 GO MATH FLORIDA Math Book  District-wide Adopted Series for 2015- 2016 school year  This book will cover all of the State Standards  Students can view the math textbook and online resources from their student portal  Directions will be given to each student and can also be viewed on my website

6 Math School Supplies Everyday bring the following supplies to my class: 1. Sharpened pencil 2. Composition Notebook 3. Completed Homework

7 Mandatory Uniform Policy Uniforms MUST be worn in school at all times.  Failure to do this will result in student being sent to the office to call parents to bring them their uniform.  Red or Light blue school shirt  Closed toe shoes

8 Classroom Rules  Show RESPECT and KINDNESS to everyone at all times.  Raise your hand if you have something to say or ask.  Listen and follow directions  Keep hands feet and objects to yourself.

9 Following the Classroom Rules Will result in:  Verbal Praise  Good Conduct Grades and Citizenship Award  A Stress free learning environment  An enjoyable and orderly classroom atmosphere

10 Consequences for Breaking the Classroom Rules 1 st Consequence  Sign your name on clipboard. 2 nd Consequence  Check by name on clipboard. At this point, the student’s conduct grade will be lowered 3rd Consequence:  Contact parent 4th Consequence:  Sent to administration immediately with a referral.  Parent teacher conference

11 Home Learning  Is your responsibility to do the home learning everyday!!!  Completing homework will help you achieve higher academic, effort and conduct grades.  The home learning helps you learn and improve on the lessons we are learning in our class.  If you do not do your home learning assignment you will need to sign the clipboard and complete the homework as soon as possible.  Failure to complete assignments will affect your academic, effort and conduct grades.

12 What happens if I do not do my home learning?  Sign Clipboard  Effort Grade will be lowered  Weekly homework grade will be lowered  Skills and concepts were not practiced at home which usually results in a lower grade on the chapter test.

13 Finish Classwork Early? “What do you do next?” Activities:  Work on computer programs  Read AR books

14 Entering the Room  Enter in line order quietly and pick up your math book from the front table.  Take a seat  Take out your homework  Begin your “Brain Buster” assignment on board

15 Exiting the room  Make sure that your desk is cleared of any materials.  Look around your desk and pick up any trash from the floor.  Take all the materials that you will need to your next class.

16 Make Up Work  If you are absent it is your responsibility to make up the work you missed.  Check the Home Learning Assignments on the board and complete any missed assignments.  Tests/quizzes missed will be made up the following day during school hours. It is always a good idea to have a parent come in to pick up make up work if the illness requires you to be home for 2 or more days. Call the school or email the teachers prior to coming in so the assignments will be ready.

17 Attendance and Tardies  It is very important that you come to class! New skills and concepts are taught everyday and you will miss out on important lessons.  If you come to school after 8:35, you are late!!!  After your 5th tardy you will not be able to earn a Citizenship Award at the end of the marking period.

18 SMARTBOARD  I will be using the interactive Smart Board to provide instruction in Math.  You are NOT ALLOWED to touch the Smart Board screen without my permission.

19 GRADING SCALE  90-100%A Outstanding  80-89%B Above Average  70-79%C Average  60-69%D Below Average  0-59%F Failure

20 Conduct and Effort  If you sign the clipboard two times in one week or have a check by your name one day, your conduct grade will be lowered for the week.  Effort = how much intensity you put into class including home learning, class work, tests, and participation.  Your effort grade will be lowered if you do not do your homework or other assignments on time.

21 Students should always….  Follow our classroom rules and procedures.  Be prepared to learn.  Bring with you to class everyday your HOMEWORK, pencil, composition notebook and an AR book.  Work quietly.  Always ask questions!!!! There is no such thing as a silly question.  Be courteous and respectful to your classmates.

22 A Message From Mrs. DiDonna I am looking forward to a fantastic new school year! I know this is going to be one of the best school years ever! We will be learning many new concepts that will follow you into middle school and high school. I am so excited about seeing everyone learn and grow academically. Welcome to my 5th grade class! Mrs. DiDonna

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