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The Holocaust.

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1 The Holocaust

2 The Holocaust Holocaust = Mass murder of people by Nazi’s
Aryans = Nazi’s claim they are the “Master Race” Hitler singles out Europe’s Jewish Population (11 Million) Kristallnacht = “Night of Broken Glass” Jewish property destroyed 100 Murdered by Nazi Stormtroopers Beginning of the Holocaust




6 Jewish Ghetto’s Segregation = Separation of people based on race / religion Segregated area’s within 3rd Reich for Jewish population Biggest Ghetto was in Warsaw, Poland (500,000) Characteristics of a Jewish Ghetto Barbed wire / Stone wall surrounding area Poor sanitation Food shortage Disease





11 The Final Solution Genocide = Planned mass killing of an entire people
Concentration Camps “Labor” Camps Largest = Auschwitz Gas Chambers / Mass Graves 6000 killed a day Medical experiments on humans Crematoriums to burn bodies Prisoners tattooed with numbers to identify them





16 Jewish Resistance Many smuggled out into Switzerland, Great Britain, South North & South America Issued visa’s / passports / identity papers by sympathetic govt. agents Many living in Ghetto’s fight Nazi’s Used Molotov Cocktails & stolen weapons Sabotaged bridges Acted as spy’s for Allies Most famous uprising in Warsaw (1 Month)


18 The Effects of the Holocaust
6-8 Million European Jews murdered Billions of Dollars in property / fortunes lost Creation of Israel (Conflict in the Middle East) German High School student’s required to visit a Concentration Camp before they can graduate

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