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Enthusing Readers, Reaching Staff Shirley Prescott & Sarah Field 20 October 2006.

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1 Enthusing Readers, Reaching Staff Shirley Prescott & Sarah Field 20 October 2006

2 The Reader-Centred Library A reader-centred library service puts the needs of the reader first, above those of the staff or the traditional lay out of collections.

3 Opening the Book's research in over 100 library authorities o 75% of readers are browsers; only 25% are searching for a specific title o Average length of visit is 5-9 minutes o Most readers prefer to choose independently o Face-out book displays significantly increase performance.

4 Library Layout  Traditional library layout is collection-driven  Reader-centred layout is user driven.

5 Effective displays should: o Be highly visible and prominently positioned o Offer smaller, more manageable choices – less is more o Contain face out, new-looking books o Strongly feature paperbacks o Promote the books. Don’t use props o Be topped up regularly.

6 Collections for Quick Choice should:  Be targeted to the under 40s  Not include hardbacks  Not include best sellers  Include lesser known titles  Include titles you wouldn’t read yourself

7 Give people the chance to experiment with books

8 The Reader-Centred Library Service Giving your borrowers the chance to talk about books


10 Readers’ Notice Boards



13 Reader-Centred Events Put the focus on the reading experience




17 Does it work? Yarra-Melbourne Fiction  Up 4% for 2005-06  Up 10% for first quarter 2006-07

18 Reading Victoria The State Library of Victoria’s summer reading promotion for adults

19 Reading Victoria  December to early February  Brochures featuring the 20 books  Voting  Champions  Web site  MMS  Launch – 7 December  Events

20 Events  Corangamite  Mornington  Port Phillip  Upper Murray  West Gippsland  Whitehorse-Manningham  Yarra-Melbourne & City

21 How you can be involved  Display  Link to Reading Victoria site  Collect and tally votes  Purchase extra copies of books  Book group involvement

22 Reaching staff Convincing staff of the need to adopt a reader-centred approach

23 Getting staff on board  Let them know why  Workshop ideas  Promote a reading culture  Use staff photos in promotions

24 Training

25 Reading Victoria promotions  Voting  The 20 books  Visiting the web site  Contributing to the blog  A sense of pride in Victoria  RV events  MMS

26 Key Dates Fri 10 NovCut off date for libraries to register their involvement in RV. We will need to know how many brochures you require. Thu 7 DecRV launch @ Experimedia, SLV, 11am JanuaryRV events across the state Fri 26 JanVoting closes Fri 2 FebVotes tallied and sent to Shirley Thu 22 FebRV closing ceremony, SLV

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