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Closing Writing Like a Journalist Here’s your job—to come back with a new newscast in your 5 subject notebook (writing section). Look for the dramas that.

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Presentation on theme: "Closing Writing Like a Journalist Here’s your job—to come back with a new newscast in your 5 subject notebook (writing section). Look for the dramas that."— Presentation transcript:

1 Closing Writing Like a Journalist Here’s your job—to come back with a new newscast in your 5 subject notebook (writing section). Look for the dramas that no one notices. Is he bus late? Is the soccer coach sick? Is the grocery store closing early? Is there a long line of traffic at dismissal? Is something “newsworthy” happening in your neighborhood? Write about one of these dramas this evening—make sure that you cover the who, what, when, where, and why of it. The news story you write should be at least a page, and probably longer. Be ready to use that writing in class tomorrow.

2 Work Session Why do you think Tamara hugs the book when she closes it? What does she want to be when she grows up? How do you know? We will pause the film when her mother places the towels on the shelf. Where does Mum work? Where is Dad? Is he at home or away? Why do we think this? We will pause the film again and stop when Mum is watching from the doorway at 2 minutes 20 seconds.

3 Work Session continues What do you think the mum is thinking? We will pause the film at 2 minutes 26 seconds. Then continue the video. What has the Mum just noticed? The musical box has stopped but Tamara is still dancing. Why do we think that this is? When her Mum speaks to Tamara what do you think her reply is? Do you think Tamara will grow up to be a dancer? Why do you think her mum look sad when she hugs her?

4 Report it! Now, you have closely observed Tamara and her mother. Hopefully, you have learned a lot. Isn’t their story “newsworthy”? I thought you would agree!!! So, go ahead and write about it. You may start by saying…. What would you do to make your dreams come true if the odds were against you? Well, there is this young girl name Tamara who…. Make sure that you write at least half a page to a full page. Use your answers from the video to help you craft an interesting news story about Tamara.

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