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8 th Grade Journal #1 8/28/12 Use your textbook to find the definition of foreshadowing and write it in your journal. How do writers and movie directors.

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Presentation on theme: "8 th Grade Journal #1 8/28/12 Use your textbook to find the definition of foreshadowing and write it in your journal. How do writers and movie directors."— Presentation transcript:

1 8 th Grade Journal #1 8/28/12 Use your textbook to find the definition of foreshadowing and write it in your journal. How do writers and movie directors create foreshadowing in their movies or text?

2 8 th Grade Journal # 2 8/30/12 What kind of student are you? What do you enjoy learning about?

3 8 th Grade Journal #3 9/5/12 How is listening to a radio show different from watching a television program? How is it the same?

4 8 th Grade Journal #4 9/11/12 What are your feelings about what happened Sept. 11 th, 2001?

5 8 th Grade Journal #5 9/13/12 Do you think there was better foreshadowing in the show or the radio play? Explain with details.

6 8 th Grade Journal #6 9/17/12 What kinds of horror characters frighten you the most—vampires, werewolves, ghosts, Frankenstein? Why do they frighten you?

7 8 th Grade Journal #7 9/20/12 Title your journal: The Tell-Tale Heart Art Look back at the illustration on pg. 628. What makes it appropriate for the story? Notice the artist’s use of light and shadow. How does this affect the mood?

8 8 th grade Journal #8 10/4/12 Title your journal: Favorite Character What is your favorite character from a book or movie? Make a list of their: 1.Traits - 2.Motivation - 3.Conflicts - 4.Relationships - Why is he/she your favorite character?

9 8 th Grade Journal #9 10/9/12 Title your journal CHANGES Changes, such as moving to a new community or entering a new school, are not easy to face. How did that major change make you feel?

10 8 th Grade Journal #10 10/16/12 Title your journal: How would you act? “Raymond’s Run” is about a girl named Squeaky who has a responsibility for her mentally disabled older brother Raymond. Imagine yourself in a similar situation. What might your relationship with your brother be like? How would you handle the responsibility of caring for him? If, in fact, you do have a disabled family member, describe your relationship with him or her.

11 Login to Computer for Study Island Assignment – Click on “My Class” and take the Plot Assessment. Follower the instructions and complete 20 items. Computer Login Example Username: cbuck Password: Orange27pasd Study Island Login Example Username: cbuck@pasdcbuck@pasd Password: orange27 10/16/12 Title your journal: Social Injustices What social injustices do you know about in the world today? Do you know of any instances of modern day slavery? Why do you imagine slavery is still prevalent today?

12 11 th Grade Journal #1 8/28/12 In all times and places, people have wondered how the world was created. What different accounts of creation—biblical narratives, scientific theories, or stories from other cultures for example—have you heard or read? What are your feelings on the different narratives? How do they guide a culture?

13 11 th Grade Journal # 2 8/30/12 What are your thoughts about this creation myth? Write down the 6 most important aspects of this creation myth.

14 11 th Grade Journal # 3 9/5/12 Choose ONE of the following topics to write about: 1. Why do you think man is constantly messing with nature? Why not leave things as they are? 2. Describe the most peaceful nature scene you can think of. (Use sensory details - What did you hear, smell, see, taste, touch?) 3. Which would you rather do: Take a walk in the woods or visit a mansion? Defend your choice.

15 Grade 11 Journal #4 9/11/12 What are your feelings about what happened Sept. 11 th, 2012? Do you have any recollection of the incident?

16 NCP Grade 11 Journal 10/4/12 From the 1500s to the 1800s, millions of Africans were seized from their homelands and brought to the Americas on slave ships. What do you imagine it felt like to be on a slave ship?

17 Grade 11 Journal

18 Homework

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