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Managing your Personal Finances September 18, 2014.

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1 Managing your Personal Finances September 18, 2014

2  What do you want to be when you grow up?  How can you learn more information about that career?

3 Standard 2.2 Relate how career choices, education choices, skills, entrepreneurship, and economic conditions affect income.

4 I can research a career to learn about the financial aspects of that career and associated educational/training costs. I can locate a college that offers the program for a stated career and determine the 4 year tuition/room and board expense. I can calculate the percentage of my median future salary to determine how long it will take to repay the student loan.

5  Log onto  Select the Business and Financial tab (on left)  Select Accountants and Auditors tab

6 Select the Business and Financial tab Select Accountants and Auditors tab

7  2012 Median Pay  Entry Level Education  Job Outlook  What They Do  How to Become One

8  -and-financial/accountants-and- auditors.htm

9 Major:Accounting NJ school offering this programThe College of NJ Yearly tuition and room/board cost$28,000 Total Four Year Cost($28,000x4)$112,000

10 Median Salary Percentage=amount you pay back annually $63,550X 15%$9,532.50

11 Divide Total Tuition/Room and Board by amount you pay back each year Total Tuition/Room and Board /amount you pay back each year =How long it will take to pay off educational /training costs $112,000$9,532.5011.75 years

12 Select a career that you are interested in learning more about. Then complete the Project Handout: 1. Information about career (from OOH) 2. What School offers this Program (at what tuition/room and board cost)? 3. How long would it take you to pay off your total (if you paid back 15% of your salary each year? 4. Project Reflection

13 I can research a career to learn about the financial aspects of that career and associated educational/training costs. I can locate a college that offers the program for a stated career and determine the 4 year tuition/room and board expense. I can calculate the percentage of my medium future salary to determine how long it will take to repay the student loan.

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