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W ELCOME TO A DMISSIONS ! New Admission Officers Workshop July 10, 2012 Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School.

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2 W ELCOME TO A DMISSIONS ! New Admission Officers Workshop July 10, 2012 Georgetown Visitation Preparatory School


4 I NDEPENDENT E DUCATION : WHO WE ARE An association of 85 independent schools educating 32,000 students from nursery school through high school in the District of Columbia, Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania Founded in 1951 as the Association of Independent Schools of Greater Washington Resource for both member schools and families seeking to learn more about independent education and the many educational options that our member schools provide.

5 I NDEPENDENT E DUCATION T EAM Mary Worch, Executive Director Patricia Mayo, Chief Operating Officer Christie Antoniewicz, Director of Programs Ann Brunk, Director of Finance Aubrey Andre, Program Associate Contact Us Anytime! (202) 625-9223

6 M EMBERS S ERVICES Independent Education provides a wide variety of benefits to members including : Organizing Professional Development and Networking Opportunities 40+ programs, workshops and roundtables per year Offer a Fall and Spring Workshop specifically for Admission Officers Previous admission topics have included: Enrollment Management Financial Aid Marketing and Communications Relationship between Admissions and Administrative Departments

7 C OMMUNICATIONS Promoting Communication among Professionals through Listservs Host twenty Administrator Listserv including one for Admission Officers ( Forum for networking and communicating with colleagues Personal learning network component

8 A NNUAL D ATA C OLLECTION Collecting and Analyzing Data for Assisting in Institutional Decision-Making Total of 8 annual report forms Tuition and fees Faculty count and salaries Head, Administration and Staff salaries Diversity representation Enrollment Financial Aid Development/Advancement Business Operations *Customized reporting on all data collected is available upon request

9 N EWSLETTER Publishing a Quarterly Newsletter on Local and National Education Trends and News from our Schools Highlights Independent Education professional development opportunities Articles on education topics of interest to independent schools Updates on association work and member school activities Information vehicle to support and enhance your daily work

10 W EBSITE Attracts Families to independent education through our Website and other Communication Strategies Directory of Member Schools with robust school search to assist parents in finding the right school and fit Unique School Profiles that include school- specific admission dates Open House Calendar Common Recommendation Forms Resources for parents and families


12 I NDEPENDENT E DUCATION P RINCIPLES OF G OOD P RACTICE (PGP) Focus on common concerns where schools, as part of a local community, can exert considerable influence and where interschool cooperation is helpful to the public Standards and principles grounded in ethical conduct Designed for the protection of both individuals and institutions

13 P RINCIPLES OF G OOD P RACTICE A DMISSION AND F INANCIAL A ID Key Components: Application Process Application Deadline – schools set date independently Notification Date – decision letters sent no sooner than early March Registration/Reply Date – enrollment contracts for newly- admitted students are due back to the school, preferably, the first Friday in April and no earlier than mid-March Tuition Binding Date - enrollment contracts for both newly- admitted and re-enrolling students have a binding date of no earlier than June 1 Enrollment and Waiting Pools Financial Aid


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