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Reaching potential by raising aspirations Presented by – Date – Your aspirations are your possibilities - Samuel Johnson.

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Presentation on theme: "Reaching potential by raising aspirations Presented by – Date – Your aspirations are your possibilities - Samuel Johnson."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reaching potential by raising aspirations Presented by – Date – Your aspirations are your possibilities - Samuel Johnson

2 Workshop aim and objectives Aim: To develop understanding of how career development activities can motivate and raise aspirations and support learners in fulfilling their potential Objectives: Define the terms aspiration and potential and explore their impact on lthe people you work with Analyse the context in which clients are developing aspirations List the barriers to reaching full potential and raising aspirations Identify possible career development activities in your CLC scheme to minimise barriers and expand aspirations

3 Definitions What are Aspiration and Potential? Work in pairs: introduce yourselves and your role as a CLC. Discuss what these words mean to you. How would define each one of these in one sentence? 5 minutes for the discussion

4 Impact (1) Aspirations: a hope or ambition of achieving something Potential: having or showing the capacity to develop into something in the future Work in threes: consider how these concepts impact on your clients and the work you do to help and support their learning and personal development. 5 minutes for the discussion

5 There may not always be an ideal fir between people’s aspiration and potential High potential and low aspiration High aspiration and low potential In your groups consider each of the statements above and what impact these might have on people. What attitudes and behaviours might we see as a result? Impact (2)

6 Limiting aspirations: Limiting fulfilling potential? Work in groups of 4/5 1. Consider your clients and discuss what factors do or could limit their aspirations or cause barriers to fulfilling their potential. Depict these factors on a piece of flip chart paper. You have 10 minutes for this part of the exercise

7 Limiting aspirations: Limiting fulfilling potential? Work in the same groups of 4/5 2. As a group, decide which of the factors/barriers you have identified could be tackled by career development interventions in your schemes– mark these in a different coloured pen. You have five minutes for this part of the exercise

8 Putting it into practice Work in pairs and consider handout 1 - barriers Exercise 1.As a pair, select 5 items that you feel relate to your role as a CLC 2.Consider each in turn and decide what you could do within your scheme to counter the barrier. 3.Be prepared to share your ideas with the rest of the group. You have twenty minutes for this activity

9 Summary What is aspiration? What is potential? Give four possible factors that could limit aspirations Why is it important for CLCs to consider aspiration and potential when working with clients? List three things that you could do in your scheme to enhance clients’ chances of reaching their potential and raising aspirations Thank you for attending, please complete an evaluation form

10 References Archer, L. & Yamashita, H.(2003) “Knowing their limits”? Identities, inequalities and inner city school leavers post-16 aspirations. Journal of Educational Policy, Vol 18 No1 p53-69 Kahn, L., Abdo, M., Hewes, S,. McNeil, Bethia & Norman, W. (2011)The way to work: Young people speak out on transitions to employment, Crown copyright Quality, Choice and Aspiration - A strategy for young people's information, advice and guidance, 2009, Department for Children, Schools and Families Support and aspiration: A new approach to special educational needs and disability: A consultation, Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Education by Command of Her Majesty, March 2011 Crown copyright 2011 Unleashing Aspiration: The Government Response to the Final Report of the Panel on Fair Access to the Professions. Presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills By Command of Her Majesty January 2010 Crown copyright 2010 “Knowing their limits”? Identities, inequalities and inner city school leavers post-16 aspirations

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