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Welcome to Georgia Library Learning Online for K-12 Schools

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Georgia Library Learning Online for K-12 Schools"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Georgia Library Learning Online for K-12 Schools

2 What began as a vision in 1995 by the University System of Georgia, has grown into an extensive list of online resources for Georgia citizens through colleges and universities, public libraries, and public schools. In addition to encyclopedias, directories, and government publications, over 100 databases are available, indexing thousands of periodicals and journals. Usage statistics are available from the About GALILEO link. For example, Fulton County Schools usage for the Spring months of 2007 averaged over 74,000. Colquitt County Schools had 4,509 Galileo searches during the 2008-2009 school year. Addition and deletion of K-12 databases is directly tied to usage. Georgia’s Virtual Library

3 GALILEO’s ease of use and variety of resources make it a popular choice for K-12 students and their teachers.

4 Home Page

5 You may browse the most common databases from the homepage, or choose a specific database.

6 Or, you can choose to browse by subject or type

7 Subject search

8 Browse by (Material) Type

9 You can even read magazines and journals online

10 Database Search

11 Magazine/Journal Locater

12 Database Listing

13 To locate a specific journal or article: -first choose magazines and then the letter with which it begin -OR, type in the name of it from the magazine page -then choose the database where it is available

14 Choose a database by clicking on it, then a year and month, and then you can pull up all the articles in that edition.

15 Citation- In EBSCO databases, proper source citation can also be created and copied directly into your document.

16 Citation

17 In addition to professional journals, popular magazines are available, such as: Sports Illustrated People Teen People National Geographic Smithsonian


19 Annals of American History by Encyclopedia Britannica Search by Timeline Search by Author Search by Topic Search by keyword

20 Encyclopedia Britannica – includes videos, images The definitive encyclopedia for advanced middle school and high school students. Other features include a "Biography of the Day," "This Day in History," and a news feed from the New York Times. Keyword Search

21 Literary Reference Center

22 Literary Reference Center, page 2

23 New Georgia Encyclopedia - #14 on the Middle School list and #20 on the High School List Includes everything Georgia, from pre-history to the present Topic or Keyword Search Excellent companion resource for 8 th grade Georgia Studies

24 NoveList…THE Place for information about fiction books

25 And more still… Lexiles, Reviews, Keywords, Find similar books, awards, curricular connections, and more…

26 SIRS Researcher

27 TOPICsearch (at EBSCOhost) - specifically for high school students check, if you want full text Current event items change Extensive list of topics Choose Lexile level Keyword search

28 Unless you want to include abstracts, be sure to check Full Text The more specific you are in your search, the more refined your results will be. Academic Search Complete - An excellent professional resource for graduate school or action research projects

29 Academic Search Complete You may need to experiment with search terms to get the results you want Email article home, to colleague, etc. Results are displayed by most recent first

30 EBSCO Images Over 100,000 images - photos and maps, with an emphasis on world news and events. Other areas of coverage include contemporary and historical photos of people, places and the natural kingdom.

31 History Reference Center – 35 pages of reference books and much more Enter search terms Select time period Select full text

32 National Science Digital Library – authoritative science resources Scroll down to see all Pathways: Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Middle School, Multimedia Resources, and Physics & Astronomy

33 For additional information and training options…

34 Things to Remember When Searching in any Database or Directory: … Spelling Counts … “Garbage in, garbage out” – the more proficient you become using search terms, the better your results will be … Learn to refine your searches … Observe all selection options Full Text, Journal titles, Peer Reviewed, Dates, etc. …Practice makes perfect

35 Galileo: Georgia Library Learning Online Current password: none required on campus, off campus the password changes quarterly. See your media specialist for the current password.


37 SIRS Researcher is the best choice for science, social issues, and persuasive or information projects in language arts. It has best resources from journals and websites AND Pro/Con issues with shortcuts on right-hand side of screen.












49 Sub-topics help with research focus


51 You can open an account and create all kinds of storage for projects and even publication alerts for subject searches.

52 Britannica is your source for quality content on the Internet. No advertising or promotions Neutral, unbiased perspectives Reliability for you and your students Content written by experts Safe environment for Internet research Structured and organized content for students

53 Just an encyclopedia? Britannica has over 124,000 encyclopedia articles PLUS: 34,000+ images (photos, illustrations, maps) 3,300+ video & media pieces (with download feature) 52,000+ student-friendly web sites 500 student learning materials & teacher resources Current magazine & journal articles World atlas, dictionary, thesaurus Many other special features: Integrated state curriculum standards & benchmarks New Workspace feature to save your research 4 levels: primary, elementary, middle, & high school

54 Just an encyclopedia?


56 Take a minute to click on your subject.

57 Explore geography, history, biographies, sciences, & the arts.

58 Now, you try it! All source material from… Compiled and presented by Pat Wall, Media Specialist, River Trail Middle School, Fulton County Schools, 2007, Revised by Cheryl Youse, Media Specialist, Colquitt County High School, Colquitt County Schools, 2009.

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