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Web-portal for alternative energy. Other Learning Objects ngObjects/

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Presentation on theme: "Web-portal for alternative energy. Other Learning Objects ngObjects/"— Presentation transcript:

1 Web-portal for alternative energy

2 Other Learning Objects ngObjects/ ngObjects/

3 Courses in Alternative energy List of universities Univ programs Lansing community college IOWA lakes community college Oakland community college

4 Cont…. Lawrence technological university Univ of colorado at colorado springs Wayne State university Columbia University Kettering University University of South Carolina

5 Research in Alternative energy Wright Fuel group Stony Brook university Fuel cell research at Ohio state Case Western University Georgia Tech Rensselaer Univ

6 Cont…. National renewable energy laboratory Univ of North Carolina at Chapel hill Lawrence technological university Alternative energy institute

7 Fuel cell research (vendors) Fuel cell industry report GM and Toyota GM

8 Faculty research ml ml http://www.che.eng.ohio- mlhttp://www.che.eng.ohio- ml

9 Ohio fuel cell coalition Educational initiatives and resources U.S. Hydrogen and Fuel Cell University Education CatalogU.S. Hydrogen and Fuel Cell University Education Catalog Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Textbook CatalogHydrogen and Fuel Cell Textbook Catalog

10 Syllabus abus_FCEL1305_INTC1370.pdf abus_FCEL1305_INTC1370.pdf Wayne state Univ Arizona state university Portland state university

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