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Displacement and Densification: Tracing Spatial Impacts of Migration Inflows to London Ian Gordon Geography Department, LSE London and Spatial Economics.

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Presentation on theme: "Displacement and Densification: Tracing Spatial Impacts of Migration Inflows to London Ian Gordon Geography Department, LSE London and Spatial Economics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Displacement and Densification: Tracing Spatial Impacts of Migration Inflows to London Ian Gordon Geography Department, LSE London and Spatial Economics Research Centres London School of Economics Post hoc set of maps to accompany presentation at: LSE London/RUPS MSc seminar series February 17 th 2014

2 List of Maps –by LSOA across the Greater South East 1.Persons per room ratio – proportionate growth rate 2001-11 2.Poor country migrants arriving 2001-11 (prop of total 2001 pop.) 3.Rich country migrants arriving 2001-11 (prop of total 2001 pop.) 4.Estimate of dispersal effect for earlier poor country migrants 2001-11 5.Estimate of dispersal effect for earlier rich country migrants 2001-11 6.Change in UK born population 2001-11 (prop of total 2001 pop.) 7.Proportion of 2001 population born in poor countries 8.Proportion of 2001 population born in other rich countries 9.Job accessibility indicator for 2010 10.Private rents indicator for 2002/3 - at MSOA level











13 Sources / Acknowledgement Maps 1 – 8 based on published tables from the 2001 and 2011 Population Censuses (ONS) Dispersal estimates in maps 4/5 also make use of calculations (at UK level) of 2001-11 ‘exit’ probabilities (via death or emigration) for poor/rich country migrants by decade of arrival in UK – based on 2001 & 2011 LFS data (ONS) Map 9 is derived from manipulation of web-published DfT ‘accessibility statistics’ on employment centres of different sizes within specific time bands of LSOA by non-car modes in 2010 Map 10 is based on published 2002/3 data for Private Rent Determinations for Housing Benefit (from Neighbourhood Statistics web-site), using a simple average of the ‘proposed rents’ for 2 bedroom and 3 bedroom dwellings

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