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Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Anthropology Experience Cultural Anthropology.

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Presentation on theme: "Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Anthropology Experience Cultural Anthropology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Anthropology Experience Cultural Anthropology

2 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Before Fieldwork Research Question Research Design Implementation Funding Permits Visas Language Training

3 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Participant Observation Positives Access the Emic Determine Actual Behavior Develop Rapport Biculturalism Problems Language Lies Ethics Culture Shock Hawthorne Effect

4 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Subsistence Strategy How a culture gets its food may effect: Group Size Political Structure Sedentism Economy

5 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Food Collecting Foraging or Hunting/ Gathering Small Societies Seasonal Nomadism Use Rights Egalitarian Balanced Delayed Reciprocity

6 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Food Producing Horticulture Relying on small gardens + foraging Sedentary Populations Larger Societies Ranked Social Structure Economies of Surplus Big Man/ Achieved Status

7 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Food Producing Pastoralism At least 50% subsistence from herd animals Eg. Cows, goats, reindeer Larger, more sedentary groups than foragers Rely on trade

8 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Food Producing Agriculture Large-scale domestication of plants and animals Irrigation, machine and animal labor, fertilizers Huge surplus Large, complex societies

9 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Kinship Relationships based on genetics (consanguinal) or marriage (affinal) Fictive Kin

10 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Kinship Terminology Affinity Gender, Age, Generation Side of Family Sex of Linking Relative Distinctions:

11 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Kinship Terminology

12 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Kinship Terminology

13 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Kinship Terminology

14 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Kinship Terminology

15 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Kinship Terminology

16 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Kinship Terminology

17 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Descent What Descends? Wealth Property Name Status Customs

18 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Descent Bilateral Unilineal Ambilineal Double Types:

19 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Unilineal Descent

20 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Unilineal Descent

21 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Marriage A ritualized union of people creating kin. AlliancesChildren

22 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Types of Marriage Polygamy Polygyny Polyandry (fraternal) Monogamy Serial Monogamy

23 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Marriage and Exchange Bride Service Bride PriceDowry

24 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Sex vs. Gender Sex Biological Hormones Genetalia Genetics Gender Cultural Shared ideas Based on the sexes

25 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Elements of Gender Division of Labor GenderlectsGender Ideology Sexual Dimorphism

26 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Gender Asymmetry Differentiation Evaluation +

27 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Religion A Worldview involving beliefs and actions related to supernatural beings and forces. A culture’s shared ideas and assumptions about the emicly defined universe and its cause.

28 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Magic Methods associated with the attempt to manipulate the supernatural world.

29 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Types of Supernaturals Anthropomorphic ZoomorphicAnimistic

30 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Mythology: Narrative stories of supernatural forces and how they relate to the world Doctrine: A religion’s codified ideas about the universe and often the resulting code of behavior

31 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Types of Cults Individualistic One-on-one interface with the supernatural Shamanistic Part time religious specialists Altered states of consciousness Ecclesiastical Full time clergy

32 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Ritual Repeated, predictable behavior associated with the shared ideas and assumptions of a people. Tooth brushing Catholic Mass Greetings Weddings

33 Copyright 2005 Allyn & Bacon Rites of Passage Rituals of Transformation Child to adult Bachelor to husband Civilian to soldier Three Stages Separation Transformation Reintegration

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