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Instructor User Student User Course Registration Form (#8) Grade report (#14)Class list (#13) Grade Entry Form (#10)

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Presentation on theme: "Instructor User Student User Course Registration Form (#8) Grade report (#14)Class list (#13) Grade Entry Form (#10)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Instructor User Student User Course Registration Form (#8) Grade report (#14)Class list (#13) Grade Entry Form (#10)

2 Flow control with macro (#19) 1.Check UserName from the Login form against the USER table. 2.If UserName is not found in the USER table then: Issue error message Reset the UserName field 3.If UserName is legitimate then: 4.Check Password from the Login form against the USER table. 5.If Password does not match with the user then: Issue error message Reset the Password field 6.If Password is legitimate then: Reset the password field Hide the Login form Open the student (instructor) screen for student (instructor) users

3 Flow control with macro (#20) 1.If the “Grade Entry” button is clicked then: Open the grade entry form for that particular instructor (identified by its UserName) Bring the grade point field in focus 2.If the “Class List” button is clicked then: Open the class list report for that particular instructor (identified by its UserName) in Print Review mode 3.If the “Return” button is clicked then: Reset the UserName field in the Login form Close the instructor screen Open the Login form

4 Flow control with macro (#21) 1.If the “Registration” button is clicked then: Open the Course Registration form for that particular student (identified by its UserName) Bring the Courses field in focus 2.If the “Grade Report” button is clicked then: Open the grade report for that particular student (identified by its UserName) in Print Review mode 3.If the “Return” button is clicked then: Reset the UserName field in the Login form Close the student screen Open the Login form

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