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Government Ch. 6 Congressional Powers. Section 1: Constitutional Powers Expressed Powers/enumerated Expressed Powers/enumerated Necessary and Proper Clause-

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Presentation on theme: "Government Ch. 6 Congressional Powers. Section 1: Constitutional Powers Expressed Powers/enumerated Expressed Powers/enumerated Necessary and Proper Clause-"— Presentation transcript:

1 Government Ch. 6 Congressional Powers

2 Section 1: Constitutional Powers Expressed Powers/enumerated Expressed Powers/enumerated Necessary and Proper Clause- Or the elastic clause Necessary and Proper Clause- Or the elastic clause Implied Powers Implied Powers Battle over Strict Construction v. Loose construction- How to interpret the Constitution Battle over Strict Construction v. Loose construction- How to interpret the Constitution

3 Constitutional Powers 1819, McCulloch v. Maryland- Implied powers granted. Fed. Bank may operate 1819, McCulloch v. Maryland- Implied powers granted. Fed. Bank may operate Powers Denied to the Federal Government Powers Denied to the Federal Government The Bill of Rights The Bill of Rights Writ of Habeas Corpus Writ of Habeas Corpus Bills of Attainder Bills of Attainder Ex post facto laws Ex post facto laws

4 Legislative Powers Money Powers Money Powers Taxing and spending Taxing and spending Borrow Money Borrow Money Establish Bankruptcy Establish Bankruptcy Coin, Print, and regulate money Coin, Print, and regulate money Punish Counterfeiters Punish Counterfeiters Appropriations Bills- to authorize spending National debt allowed Bankruptcy laws

5 Legislative Powers Commerce Powers Commerce Powers Regulate Foreign and Interstate Commerce Regulate Foreign and Interstate Commerce Gibbons v. Ogden- Fed powers enhanced under Commerce Gibbons v. Ogden- Fed powers enhanced under Commerce Military and Foreign Powers Military and Foreign Powers Declare war Declare war Raise, support, and regulate an army and navy Raise, support, and regulate an army and navy Draft and regulate National Guard Draft and regulate National Guard Punish acts on international waters and laws of nations Punish acts on international waters and laws of nations

6 Constitutional Powers Naturalization laws Naturalization laws Post offices and post roads Post offices and post roads Copyrights and patents Copyrights and patents Create lower federal courts Create lower federal courts Govern Washington Govern Washington Provide for laws necessary and proper for carrying out all other listed powers. Provide for laws necessary and proper for carrying out all other listed powers.

7 Non-legislative powers Choose a President Choose a President Removal Power- House impeaches, formal accusation, Senate tries the case Removal Power- House impeaches, formal accusation, Senate tries the case Confirmation Power- Senate confirms presidential appointments Confirmation Power- Senate confirms presidential appointments Ratification Power- Treaties Ratification Power- Treaties Amendment Power Amendment Power

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